THE raising and kissing of the kris is a symbolic Malay act reflecting dignity, pride, power and responsibility, Umno Youth chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said. He said non-Malays should never fear the symbol as it was also a reminder for the Malays to protect the country's sovereignty and stability. The kris was, critically, also a symbol of unity, which Malaysia was blessed with, he added.
I agree with Hishamuddin. A kris can be a symbolic Malay act reflecting dignity, pride and power and responsibility. I wouldn't fear the kissing of a kris or a gun for as long as the emotion and occasion was fitting and intended to be such. However, from observation of the past, it wasn't so; it was portrayed and parlayed at an occasion which was threatening. At the general assembly when the kris was raised, there were calls and shouts of such words:
• “when tension rises, the blood of Malay warriors will run in our veins”;
• “Datuk Hisham has unsheathed his keris, waved his keris, kissed his keris. We want to ask Datuk Hisham when is he going to use it”; and
• “Hak Orang Melayu tidak boleh dicabar, jika tidak orang Melayu akan mengamok, peristiwa Mei 13 akan berulang yang ianya akan lebih teruk daripada tahun 1969 yang akan menjadikan Kuala Lumpur padang terkukur”.
This words aren't said to suggest any reminder of the nation's sovereignty or stability. It is clear words of threat, words intended to demand obedience and subjecting all others to a race, to their demands, and to their special privileges, not rights as of law, but rights as beyond any law, outlaw, frivolous and vexaxious.
Let's take a look at the manner in which the kris was raised:
• “when tension rises, the blood of Malay warriors will run in our veins”;
• “Datuk Hisham has unsheathed his keris, waved his keris, kissed his keris. We want to ask Datuk Hisham when is he going to use it”; and
• “Hak Orang Melayu tidak boleh dicabar, jika tidak orang Melayu akan mengamok, peristiwa Mei 13 akan berulang yang ianya akan lebih teruk daripada tahun 1969 yang akan menjadikan Kuala Lumpur padang terkukur”.
This words aren't said to suggest any reminder of the nation's sovereignty or stability. It is clear words of threat, words intended to demand obedience and subjecting all others to a race, to their demands, and to their special privileges, not rights as of law, but rights as beyond any law, outlaw, frivolous and vexaxious.
Let's take a look at the manner in which the kris was raised:
2007 October 6

2006 Nov

2005 July

Do you observed the difference between the three occasions? Can you see the facial expressions?
Try to digest what Hishamuddin said:
“If the community (Chinese) is still afraid of the keris, then I believe they are not able to compete in today’s globalised world which is the talking about atomic bomb, nuclear and scud missile,” Hishamuddin said.
What if, if MCA and MIC had the balls, that they did raise a sword or an axe during their general assembly instead or raising a book, the Constitution?
What if, if MCA and MIC had the balls, that they did raise a sword or an axe during their general assembly instead or raising a book, the Constitution?

It's easy for a representor of a community to say such words since they are in a forum occupied by only one race belonging to one community. It far too easy to explain what you do. The fact of society is not what you do, but what you do and say which was translated to the everyday actions which cause the others to suffer anxieties and paranoia. Put yourself in the shoes of the other to understand them.
he is no different from the infamous pose of the saddam holding a rifle and...
racist are dangerous sub-human...
damned to all the chinese who still vote for bn/mca/gerakan in the next ge.
“If the community (Chinese) is still afraid of the keris, then I believe they are not able to compete in today’s globalised world which is the talking about atomic bomb, nuclear and scud missile,” Hishamuddin said.
he is a perfect example of a subhuman with perverted mentality that glorified war & destruction
He is still doing it despite all the adverse publicity from his previous experience. He is intolerant and insensitive.
It's all a part of their feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. And the show of the keris is to make up where it is lacking. Inferiority complex is the bane of UMNO. They hype up their ego and instil fear among their own.
ya doc, ignorance breed contempt. If only they would put themselves in others' shoes. they might even be pleasantly surprise by the positive outcome.
The monster is in the intentions. It is clear that his intentions were never noble as to do anything great to the kris nor any race.
I can only imagine him kissing the ass of a goat every time this topic arises. Yeah, kiss the ass, hisappudding..hehe
what great example from minister of education. thanks a lot, keris hashimudin. may be, there's this huge number of mat rempits in town arising from your educational leadership.
It seems that with the general elections around the corner, the keris has turned into an olive branch!
You can imagine how facetious this bunch of jokers are!
So, once the elections are over and they are safely in place, the keris will turn back into a weapon!
Would the electorate still be so stupid to give them the mandate for another term?
MCA Youth chief Datuk Liow Tiong Lai said he appreciated Hishammuddin's explanation of the symbolic meaning of the kris at the Youth assembly".
Hoi, ah lai! where u put ur balls, pls do not hide under ur mrs skirt & disgrace all the chinese
The period during which the keris buda, and its immediate predecessor, came into being was the Early Classical Period (end 7th Century to end 9th Century).
This period of Javanese history was heavily influenced by Indian culture and ideas. The evidence, although incomplete, points to the keris being a descendant of the line of weaponry which embraces the leaf shaped blades of India, and proposed by Rawson as " ...a common Aryan heritage of the Indo Aryan peoples".
Pathetic guy, got to borrow some indian artefact to reflect his race's dignity & etc
the kris is no problem...only when madman asking for the kris to be bathed in blood is a ah lai..understand or not?. If not get the f8ck out of MCA
Who's afraid of the keris? We're just worried about the dude who's waving it.
Like they say, a knife in the doctor's hand saves live. In the hand of a lunatic?
Hey bro,
At the risk of being misconstrued, let me say this: Do not fear the kris - especially when its wielded by that pondan(as my mum calls him) - for to fear it means you are being intimidated; be offended!
Be offended and raise your voice in a show of defiance and contempt at the red and white monkeys who practice racism and hide behind national security. They are the people who are bleeding the nation dry. The Malays, the Chinese, and the Indians, would be better off without them and their friends in the BN.
Come and join us this 10November. Our common enemy is them!
Under this primitive and tribal leadership what can you expect? The SIL said "fight like a man" forgetting that "money politics" and the "government machinery" being used during general elections. He should be the first to learn from his own words and not to fight like a "coward" using money and machinery. Then we have this sleepy head who said the keris is a weapon but a weapon to protect yourself and your friends. He also forgot (senile) that UMNO Youth monkeys before the Operation Lalang in the late 1980s had painted with a banner: "Soaking the keris with Chinese blood", a slogan which every Chinese generation will remember. Then we heard another monkey from Selangor state, telling off Opposition to get out of this country and apply for citizenship in Singapore. Why Singapore? Is he admitting that Singapore is "cleaner" than Malaysia and induction that Malaysia under this monkey government is rotten to the core. He said, "This is my house and those who do not live in my house have no right to tell me how to decorate it," the Selangor young monkey said.
Well, Ismail Ahmad. My answer is "this house is for eveybody who is born into it. It is not just your house. Racists like you should get out and live in on top a coconut tree in a deserted island!" Constitutionally, you have no damn right to chase out anybody. It is because this country have leaders like you, our future is doomed.
malaysia is for malaysians.
enough said.
maveric, Soon you will see samy vellu raising a stick doing tandoori payat,and ong raising his sword doing kungfu.Umno has run out of ideas cause what they're doing is just to cover up their weaknesses...coruption,coruption and coruption.
check out this video on youtube:
"Apasal keris nak taruh situ?"
Tanah Pusaka,
I agree fully with your opinion.
Your point is profound.
Your idea noted!
You are absolutely right!
You have the most profound answer!
I do agree with your criticism.
You confused me, but I think I understand the point.
You are perfectly right!
Fahmi Reza,
Thank you so much for the link. It's profound knowledge for me after watching the video. UMNO didn't want Merdeka, the others wanted Merdeka; and UMNO now celebrates Merdeka as their victory...
These um-no youth buggers are idiot ; in this nuclear bomb ,stealth bomber era ,to be credible ,Hisappunding should be waving a Kalashnikov instead of a rusty dagger.
don't u fucking blamed others for your incompetencies...
and we non-malays have no issues with your nep & social contract.
if you got an inferiority complex, that is your fucking upbringing problem i.e damned it to your parents
btw hishamuddin, just for your info, the world will still be revolving with or without your race.
He defiled the Kris.
maybe he drank too much beer the night before. ;)
or maybe tak dapat minum, so cannot tahanlah, and fix his nerves or control his action, his hand trembling, need to release tensionlah, so grab something just to went out the frustration, raise the keris any say "i need beer".
cheers... and happy drinking.
Election is coming,I will use the pen and see whose is migthier!These few years down the road our so called leaders of our country makes me damn bloody sick!
Lets yield our pens and show that moron hisapmydick whose sword is migthier. Can?
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