Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Guts, Courage and Balls - ANY?

You know the difference between guts and courage?

Read the comments made by the few regarding PM's speech on public safety, ie, "I am willing to sacrifice public freedom for the sake of national security."

Comments made by individuals as published at NSTP, page 2, prime News:

"The speech illustrates the caring spirit of a true leader. Malaysians should be happy, proud and believe the sincerity of the PM." (by Datuk Moehammad Izat Emir; Malaysian Malay Businessmen and Industrialist Association President)

??? Caring spirit? True leader? He is a businessman and a business leader. Which philosophy and management theory suggest that peaceful assembly and human rights suppression constitute a caring leader with a caring spirit? In that case, Hitler and Idi Amin must also be considered as caring leader. Hitler wanted to unite the world under a One World Order. Idi Amin tries to unite the African and giving them a strong leadership. they were so poor. Oh, lest we forget, the Indonesian overthrows Suharto, the legitimate President of Indonesia, Filipinos overthrow Marcos, a legitimate President, and Thais overthrow Thaksin, also a legitimate prime Minister. And of course, Musharraf and his army took over Pakistan in a bloodless coup (not much blood).

So, in observation, is it Guts or Courage? or, another?

"Public safety is paramount by law, but we must not use that as a reason to stifle dissent. managing public safety and public freedom is a question of balance. people want to feel safe, but we also don't want to live in a society that doesn't allow freedom of expression." (Datuk Zaid Ibrahim; BN MP for Kota Bahru).

Zaid is a member of the ruling regime. He speaks without fear or favor. He speak with wisdom and intellectuality. He has guts; and courage, and strong balls. But he may have to pay the price for being recalcitrant.

"It was a speech from the heart. he was very sincere when he said 'I feel more concerned about the country's stability than any of you.'" (Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam, Transparency International Malaysia President)

Tan Sri have courage to make a good comment. Did he have the guts to speak burntly? You have to make your own assessment. I just wonder when did he became a diplomat.

"We welcome his comments that the rights of all are protected, provided that promises are kept." (Datuk A. Vaithilingham; Hindu Sangam President)

That's courage and guts... but how about the balls? You convince yourself. I am happy with the words used. There is essence and there is fundamentals.


Anonymous said...


stop trying to change the system within. its a waste of time coz the whole fucking system within UMNO is so corrupted that it is beyond redemption. if the so-called ulamak gave RM600 million to the divisional leaders, you know the system is doomed.
you wil feel as disappointed and useless as Dr Toh. waste no more time and let yoru conscience drive you to the next destination. believe me, its not in UMNO.
bets wished, Datuk i salue you.

Anonymous said...

It's tough to be convinced that Bodohwi cares much about "public safety" but just maybe, concerns that the business environment might be destroyed or endangered his commercial pet projects as this would de-rail more money making. If he cared about "public safety", why allow "instant visa" for so-called tourists, compromising crime committed foreigners (motivated individuals making a fast buck illegally via criminal acts). His administration under his leadership cares more for the "tourist dollar" than your public safety. Give me a definition of "public safety". Yes, he don't give a shit except any problems will give him a bad name, image. Does he give a shit when a Malaysian is robbed cum killed by a criminal (foreigner who got an instant visa) under the tourism promotion campaign? Think...think...


Anonymous said...

"If I listened long enough to you,
I'd find a way to believe it was true.

Knowing that you lied, straight-faced while I cried.

Still I look to find a reason to believe."

Rod Stewart

Beside that great imam from islam hadhari, that goes to all those a**kissers & lickers

Maverick SM said...


Thanks for the comments.


Are you Desi?

Gukita said...

That comment on Zaid. Are you sure you know what you're writing about?

Maverick SM said...


I can't claim I know him so well. I know him and met him, talk to him; but that's all. What I wrote was based on his statement of point which conforms to intellectual wisdom and impartiality. I take it as his ideology and his belief system. I stand corrected.

Gukita said...

He is one ambitious man and had squeezed his way to current position. I can say no further..

Maverick SM said...


I happen to agree with you. But I had no personal objection of anyone including Khairy of being ambitious.

What we citizens are concerned is that political masters who had the power and influence over legislations and rules that affects the lives of the ordinary people, must show that they do not breach their duty of care as expected of from the very people who elected them into office, to serve the people of the nation, and not sacrificing the ordinary folks in order to achieve personal gains.

Nazri had too many times shown disregard for the people's rights as enshrined in the Constitution, betraying the peoples' trusts. Lest we forget about the incident when the Deputy ACA chief was interrogating him and he said that the deputy chief was a SERVANT, and that he is their political MASTER. He was showing disrespect to a government officer who was carrying out his duty. However, in cases where it involves others, he acts in contrary. Remember Pak Lah told him: Cakap tak Serupa bikin; that's when I started this Blog and I decide to use this caption.

Gukita said...

Ambition have nothing to do with it. However if one's public views are tailored to achieve certain end that changes along the way, I consider it dishonest.

Maverick SM said...


You may be right. Certainly I agree with your views of those dishonest tailoring of ends. However, on ambition, I have to depart from your view. I believe, as per Ayn Rand's Objectivism philosophy, it is essential for human to have ambition in their life, except that ambition should not cause evil and hardship to the others; and for political ambitions, it is about fairness, reasonableness and upholding natural justice.