Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Diversity & Accomodative Attitude towards Religion

PM Abdullah also said that the teachings of Islam could not be faulted for the discord between the Muslim world and the West.

“The resulting humiliation being felt by Muslims is the main cause of their loss of trust and confidence towards the West.

“But we have to acknowledge that finding solutions to these strategic issues have now become intertwined with the problem of managing cultural and civilisational diversity. The way forward for arresting the slide in relations is to resolve these two sets of problems in tandem because they are inter-dependent,” he added.

Accepting diversity demands an open and accommodative attitude towards religion, and specifically towards religions other than one’s own,” he added.

The Prime Minister said a Muslim who was true to his religious teachings would not separate the principle of accountability from political governance simply because he wanted to perpetuate his power.

“Neither will he subordinate justice to the creation of infinite wealth and defend it in the name of economic growth.

“He will not abdicate the principle of fairness in managing ethnic relations even if it makes him somewhat unpopular within his own ethnic community. This is the approach adopted by the government in Malaysia and we call it Islam Hadhari.”

I must praise the Prime Minister for his fantastic speech and erudition. These are the recondite facts of our religious problems which we are encountering daily within our own society minus the discord between the Muslim world and the West.

In Malaysia, within the political and religious governance supposely ruled in accordance the Islam Hadhari system, we can observed that the government did in fact abdicated the principle of fairness in managing ethnic relations for the fear of making UMNO somewhat unpopular within his own ethnic community.

It is also clear that the system had subordinated justice to the creation of infinite wealth defending it in the name of wealth distribution and uneven and unleveled playing fields in the economy of the nation.

Pak Lah said: “Accepting diversity demands an open and accommodative attitude towards religion, and specifically towards religions other than one’s own,” he added." But did we in Malaysia have a system of government which is open and accommodative in attitude towards religion, and specifically towards religions other than one's own?

You can observed the empirical reality. Christian books were confiscated from the non-Muslims because the enforcement officers said it contains pictures depicting Jesus Christ which is a Muslim Prophet. But it's also Christian Prophet and are images acceptable to the Christians. There were also calls from the UMNO elected representatives to take down the crosses and statutes in Missionary Schools. How then could we say that we had an open and accommodative attitude towards religions other than one's own? Kudat Mazu statute projects were canceled because of the mufti's fatwa and the UMNO chief minister acted on such instruction. Co-ed schools SMK Seremban Jaya in Senawang, SMK Hillcrest in Gombak and SMK Taman Seri Gombak, located not far from SMK Hillcrest practised gender segregation. Allah cannot be used by other religion in Malaysia but Allah was used by those of other religions in Middle East and other countries. What about the cases of Subashini, Rayappan, Shamala, Wong Sau Lan, and Revathi? Was there "Diversity acceptance", "Open and accommodative attitude"? Mana ada???

Di Mana Islam Hadhari as enunciated within the context of the speech by the inventor and promoter of Islam Hadhari as was addressed to the world leaders and foreign ministers at the First Alliance of Civilisations (AoC) Forum here yesterday?

At such, what Pak Lah said must be construed to be intended for the consumption of the Western powers and do not apply in Malaysia as an Islamic country (as claimed). So, is it a set of Islamic governance and principles for others and another set for our own country? Are we saying that Islam Hadhari is made of two sets of principles, to be applied differently; one set to be applied for the Western world who is more powerful and another set for our own nation where the power is by the propagator and his cadres?

The Prime Minister said "a Muslim who was true to his religious teachings would not separate the principle of accountability from political governance simply because he wanted to perpetuate his power."

I understand each and every words and phrase. I understand the principles as preached by our PM within the context of the phrase. I believed many of us also understand. But was it practiced as such? Is Malaysia a follower of the said doctrine and did we set ourselves as a good example in accordance with the teaching and propagation as enunciated by our dear Prime Minister? If we observed what had happened with what was preached by our PM and claimed it is Islam Hadhari as proclaimed within the speech, then we are surprised and perplexed as the factual truth of what is actually happening and practiced which runs contrary to the said principles enunciated.

Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin. See for yourself!


Anonymous said...

The Prime Minister said "a Muslim who was true to his religious teachings would not separate the principle of accountability from political governance simply because he wanted to perpetuate his power."

The biggest sin committed is when the huge mandate and power given to him by the people were divested to persons who were not voted by the population. The mandate was not theirs, those who did not stand for election, those who have no business in the PM's office.

In this he as failed and cannot ask the population to give him another mandate.

Maverick SM said...


The point is, what he spoke of at the conference to international leaders is what he says is Islam Hadhari. But that's not what it's practiced!!! He's a contrarian.

Anonymous said...

not the first time, nor the last, he will talk how accommodative is his belief, but his actions are diametrically opposite. cakap tak serupa bikin KING.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if the audience will say "mr badawi, i find that you do not practise what you preached, stop spilling nonsense ...."

Anonymous said...

To sum it all up, when everyone has kaput-ed and gone to heaven....

As Anwar stood in front of St.Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, "What are all those clocks?"

St.Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock.Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move."

"Oh," said Anwar, "whose clock is that?"

"That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie."

"Impressive," said Anwar. "And whose clock is that one?"

St.Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice,telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life."

"Where's Dollah's clock?" asked Anwar.

"Dollah's clock is in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."

Anonymous said...

Dollah : best example for hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

1. it could be, he knows it and doesn't care which way any of us think of him. ( which I add to his detriment as the population elected him into office )

2. he is lost as sea - doesn't have the whole picture - never did.

3. his minders changed the plot so many times, no one knows whats next!

to call him contrarian would mean there is plan, conspiracy, and ultimate goal.

you are too generous.

Maverick SM said...


No audience will say that to Mr Badawi. He's ok, semua ok.


The heart's willing; the flesh can't!


I agree; he's lost; lost in a world of complexity.

Anonymous said...

Tell me he doesn't relish insulting our intelligence.