They now stands at traffic lights and wave to passerby.
The Star reported: MIC man attracts voters’ attention.
[quote]: "Pasir Panjang’s MIC candidate Datuk Dr S. Vasan has opted for a more bizarre campaign style – standing near traffic lights and waving at his voters."
Determined to make himself known to his constituents, the first-time candidate parked himself and seven others at the main cross-junction here for an hour yesterday, starting at 7.30am.
The group carried banners bearing the Barisan Nasional logo and Dr Vasan’s face and waved at motorists who honked and waved in return.
“This is called my ‘on-the-ground silent campaign’. We literally go to the ground and wave at people without saying anything so that we don’t disrupt traffic,” he said.
Dr Vasan said he was tired of the typical method of campaigning and wanted to come up with a more creative style.
“After all, Pasir Panjang is a huge place. It is hard to go to every nook and corner of my constituency and reach out to over 26,000 voters.
“I think this is the best way for everybody to see me, especially those going to work,” he said.
Hi Mav,
Don't know if you have heard this one.
Datuk Siti has been busy campaigning for BN and has been asking people to vote wisely and so on...
Someone did a check with her IC and found that she was not even a registered voter! How ironic...
msiaman - you sure? let us have the ic no then, it will do justice for Barisan Rakyat. oh, not to mention 'cakap tak serupa bikin'..hahah.
back to the bizzare campain style, i'm sure lotsa drivers are trying very hard not to veer towards this poor MIC guy. Must...control...killer hand. ahahaha...
was at KLANG DAP ceramah where KIT spoke yesterday. my my, the wind of change is certainly blowing. 4,500-5,000 ppl arrived since 8pm and stayed till 12pm. confirmed no drinks / money have been given away, its all pure heart and burning desire for a change! If this is not the time to capture 1/3 from BN, i dont know when is.
It's news to me, but not a surprise. She is apolitical but since she married a politician, she has to help her Abang.
I think MIC's days are counted.
I saw a pic of siti, her hubby and the space-tourist helping the SIL's campaign the other day.
Every businessman would need to kowtow to only one man if he wants govt projects.
visit here
Anyone see this fler.... give him some encouragement please.... show him the thumbs DOWN...
pathetic indian, heard he got shouted at & asked to 'pordah thamby'.
jeez, if he got no respect from the ppl in pasir panjang, will he get any respect from the umno flers if elected.
another coward of the country, curtesy of mic.
looking at the headlines on Indians and MIC; bet after March 8, the MIC will be disolved for good.
the Samy will fly-off to India living in Taj Mahal, probably from monies received from Malaysian road contractors in India etc.
impossible him turning like Sivaji The Boss, a garbage colector for UMNO probably possible.
malaysia boleh!
So pitiful....like beggars standing along a road corner!
Average Joe,
You probably didn't know that many did actually gave "signs" to him.
It's certainly pitiful as Hindraf had done the most damage to MIC.
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