Monday, April 28, 2008

Video: Ubah Gaya Hidup



Anonymous said...

then, what would intelligent and genius ppl suggest ? can't hardly blame the minister isn't it......

Anonymous said...

Intelligent people change the ministers. They don't need the ministers to tell them that the sky is blue.

Certainly, they won't be found waiting too eagerly awaiting words of wisdom from the inane and clueless.

Anonymous said...

Change lifestyle? Change the BN federal administration first!

Anonymous said...

Change the life style of his wife first. Shopping spree in Paris runs into containers shipped back to KL as per RPK web site.

Anonymous said...

Funny video!! If the rakyat can change why not change the minister or government themselves!

Maverick SM said...


In reality, inflation is induced by economic force and market situations; as such, we can't blame anyone. But we don't need stupid advice.


We have intelligent ministers but they are working in a moronic institution.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of 'limbo rock'.

Anonymous said...

change lifestyle is the answer to increase in cost of living. how many more changes in lifestyle can a normal person take at the rate prices are going up?
the ministers talk and talk only about lifestyle changes. what about them and their cronies? why cant we close the killer national service program and use the savings of RM500 million to assist the rural and urban poor? what about the new plane? cant we sell it for some RM200 million? forget about the second bridge in Penang. Revive the ferry service and save RM4.3 billion. Why didnt the government go after the corrupts in PKFA and recover the RM4.7 billion. What about the commission paid under the arms purchase?
DAMN IT, they should set an example and change first!