Let's read what Shabery had to say:
"Actually, I'm sincere in wanting to meet them (the bloggers), just like any of my constituents. The bloggers are also part of my constituents. In my kampung, if they are not happy with me, they transmit this through the kedai kopi. So, I will meet them there to find out the problem."
"Every night, I will spend almost an hour to read blogs. I will also browse through the local and international news. When I travel, I carry my hand-phone and laptop with me. I use a Mac because I don't have to bother with viruses and spam."
"I'm not a blogger, although a lot of people keep asking me when I will start my own blog. I like reading blogs very much, but I don't think I will start one anytime soon."
"If we had a blog, maybe we could explain why Perak can't have a non-Malay menteri besar. Last time, this was taboo and racial in nature. But we could explain in blogger language the historical background."
"Bloggers write with their heart. We also have to get people who will write from their heart to defend the government, not just people who are in it for the job or money."
"The whole idea of government blogs needs thinking. Blogs at departmental or ministerial level have not been set up, but questions must be answered. We (the Information Ministry) should streamline this and be a facilitator."
Source: Managing a new world of openness
Thank you Datuk Ahmad Shabery. Your words are extremely pleasant and I humbly accept the exaltations. Yes, I do write with my heart, but sometimes, with my brainless dickhead too. Don't worry, for we will defend the government if they do right. But how to defend the wrongs; how to defend the corrupting acts? How to defend if we are also defenseless when we are called Monkeys and Gobloks, and being threatened with ISA and defamation suits? The government is elected by the people but after that they act like devils and often like bloodsucking Dracula on the prowl. I hope you are the first good guy minister from the government. We'll accept your invitations today and will give you our support; er, ehm, but still got to pay lah for writing; BN gives $200 to voters who after that vote for PAS; you pay us after we have written good things about the government; so little bit more lah.
his face and words are not genuine; simply not him.
not being sincere at heart, it will be tough to deliver the words and promises into action.
there goes another tax payers money into drain paying his salary and benefits etc.
you know better lah... rakyat are getting poorer by every new Minister gomen is appointing!
bro mave:
You rep Desi in negotiating for a New Goode Deal eh!
Cut you in for 30%!:) -- Desi
I appreciated ur comment but it is too earlier to said so
I hope all MPs (BN & BA) do ur job accordingly
U only can view your weakness thru blogger , kedai kopi (local CNN) and etc
This is the best way to review ur weakness
Do not much depend on ur down line who always give a good input .... bcz kaki bodek ma (don't trust them)
What Datuk Ahmad Shabery said is correct but the question is how to u to ensure
u will be review and improve accordingly
Simple message
Why not be the instrument in solving people problems instead of being a problem to people
Hahaha finally you showed your true colors. Its all about the MONEY! Well done!
Bloggers, MSM, commenters are all cut from same cloth as those politicians. Oops that includes me...
Ok Ok gimme more marnnee.. and I'll write what you want to hear.
dear minister:
its good if you honestly meant every word you said.
basically most of the contents of blogs (political ones) are issues that people see as some injustice.
it may be just an allegation, or rumor, or actual events, that is not highlighted in the MSM.
human nature is such that, the underdogs will, actually be supported.
the ammunation for bloggers is actual provided by politicians and the spin doctors.
the way i see it
if all leaders are free of arrogance,corruption and stupidity,
the blogger community on political issues will just run out of fire power to write.
so till that comes, bloggers will be there to speak their mind.
problem is which bloggers he wants to meet? how will he determine who to meet? methink he should have a big gathering like what bum2007 or rojakz's together we gather did!! throw a huge gathering for ALL socio political bloggers!!
Ling Ling Chatt,
Maybe, he is the best Information Minister to-date.
He has met up with Rocky and his gang.
hey mav but gobloking here was sitting with rocky when rubbery cheek "met" us at NPC 3 weeks back
Rubbery sat with "bloggers" (NOT!) for 1 hr . In fact if I recall it correctly the only blogger there in the table of abt 6 ppl was zorro unmasked. the rest were journos and even wee choo keong.
rocky was sitting at the next table with 3 of us having dinner. Now when rocky made a move to get up from the table, rubbery immediately rushed over.
But he did not even "deign" to look at the rest of us or shake our hands
Just think there are only 3 ppl sitting with rocky - how long would it take to shake someone's hands? or even salaam?
"tak pernah lah..siapa orang semua tu"
now you must ask yrself this question:
How sincere is the cheeky man? Does he even know what the other bloggers look like?
Did he even know who was sitting there with Rocky?
No lah...NOT me - I ain't no great blogger but the OTHER bloggers at our table?
Is that still not AMNO's arrogance?
Ironically that same day Rubbery met Rocky for the 1st time, he had made a statement in the press he is sincere in meeting bloggers.
let's face it. IF rubbery really knows about blogging, then he would know that the beauty of blogging is
"there just ain't no control in an anarchist cyberworld"
Just let us BE careful with the rubber one!
Lets give this new minister a chance to prove himself.
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