Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Khir Toyo-ed Hishamuddin

Blame the keris, not the broom

Khir said it had created negative perceptions of Umno and possibly caused the swing in non-Malay votes towards the opposition.

Khir believe that if the gesture is offensive in some quarters and is seen to send out negative signals, then it should be stopped.

“We must admit our mistakes. If we don’t, the rakyat will call us arrogant,” he said in an interview.

According to Khir Toyo, "The keris perhaps is a symbol of power, a symbol of supremacy, but for the Malays it means nothing. Maybe it’s different for the Chinese".

Q: So do you agree that the keris culture should be eliminated?

Khir: "Yes, why not? If it’s negative, we should stop using it. We have to admit our mistakes. Admitting mistakes is a courageous thing to do."

Q: Meaning that you want to bring Umno back to its old idealism?

Khir: "We have to become the voice of the people, and not the government."

Khir: "I am talking and I will continue to do that. I believe that the voice of the youth is the voice of the rakyat."

Khir: "We must be brave to express the truth. We cannot be controlled. If we are controlled in an independent nation, it means that we are not free. Expressing ideas cannot be seen as a bad thing. As a supreme council member entrusted to be the voice of the people, I will continue to speak up. I might not be able to be direct in my expression. I am a local and as a local I am raised to be polite so I will say something like ‘exit plan’."

Source: Khir Toyo: Blame the keris, not the broom

Did you all BN MPs and Ministers hear it? "We have to become the voice of the people, and not the government!"


bayi said...

Kill Toyol is on a crusade to self-affirm that all that he did was right and all that the others did was wrong. The keris was wrong, Samy was wrong, etc, etc.

Anonymous said...

This one memang true to your blog title la, cakap tak serupa bikin. Same case as LKY, why the heck so berani say all this now one? About Keris issue nonetheless!! My god, it's just a keris, what is he thinking. Bitter sore loser. Please, he should focus his efforts on helping umno get their act together and instill people's trust for umno n BN and THIS is not a way to do it.

Maverick SM said...


Ya, it's a crusade; he's now voicing it loud.


Dia berani sekarang sebab dia bukan boss lagi.

phillix-starscreamer said...

khir toyo memang makes me gerammmmmm. he should be like the ambassador for your blog, maverick, because he truly lives the essence of 'cakap tak serupa bikin'. i agree with bayi.. he's living in self denial. classic example of syiok sendiri-ness. sekarang dia bukan boss jadi ada lebih 'balls' to talk nonsense. man!!

Maverick SM said...


When a person's political career hinged on a string, he has to do something outstanding or talk something like a maverick or, spin religious and racial sentiments to get support and become a popular bigot.

We are fortunate he chose something which did not discriminate the citizens but his own.

Anonymous said...

Aiyo, until now they don't get it! Nothing to do with the keris or broom la, it is the arrogant of UMNO leaders lah. So simple also don't know ah

Anonymous said...

Pig & dog fights...

Goat got benefits

Fight ah!

Gight ah!

TOYOL die ah!

Maverick SM said...


You may be right; but I think the manner in which the keris was paraded and in front of an audience at a time that the social atmosphere was in a critical state, makes it matter. by itself, and in itself, the keris is a respectful element in a culture and tradition of a community. We all respect that tradition and culture but it is a weapon and care should be taken that it is used and paraded in a friendly and cordial manner which is not threatening. In time of peace and war, the options available are not the same.


I think we need to discuss more objectively and constructively with all due respect to everyone in the blogosphere which include everyone and anyone of any nationality, beliefs and colors.

Anonymous said...

yala edi, please respect the blogosphere.

Maverick SM said...


Thanks for your support; and I believed Edi understand fully and have respect here. He has just brought up a point which I like to explain.