Then, can you tell me about this picture - the smile of Najib!

Najib's smile is just not natural ...
His smile is suggestive and I just can't figure out.

"Give him some time to rectify all these problems," Najib told reporters after a 3-hour dialogue with Perak Umno members.
What does he meant that "Pak Lah has admitted that he was one of the causes for BN's poor showing in the election"? Does he meant he wasn't involved and wasn't part of the debacle?
Would Najib be a better Prime Minister than Pak Lah? Do Malaysians believed he would?
The smile scares me; I still remember what he said
Would Najib be a better Prime Minister than Pak Lah? Do Malaysians believed he would?
The smile scares me; I still remember what he said

That is a devious smile, full of "intentions".
tat smile seals the fate of the country.
it's evil barter, only the new one is definitely more devillish.
god bless malaysia.
His smile is suggestive but I can figure out--- it says "I'm gonna C$ you, you old geezer"
Najis thinks he will be the PM...but I am sure Abdullah is holding Najis balls with cases of Mongolian woman, military purchases commissions...
Yeah, I think it looks like a pained smile to me. Where's Pak Lah's hands, btw?
Anyone TDM picks will someone he thinks he can control..and we hv seen plenty already
I also dunno abt u folks but when I see the fishmonger's wife decked out in more bling than the Queen of England, then I wonder..
Did they got rich only from selling fish?
Is their fish biz only a front for other bizs?
Am I really getting value from buying their fish??
what do I know? I am only an unemployed housewife commenting
It's not devious; it's suggestive.
Ya, God Bless Malaysia and Najib.
Anak Merdeka,
Pak's lah's hand is on his balls; dropping
Don't worry; unemployed housewives are great bloggers.
careful... that's a C4 Smile.
whole Malaysia can be C4-ed and guess what, he will be safe and sound in Space Centre instead the 2nd ASTRO-not!
the Razak family are all loaded with humble donors friends; he can afford to fly MiG45 to space using Petronas Oil & Lubes.
ha ha ah aha ha ah aha ha ha
Would you trust a person who's so badly tainted to be anything - let alone be PM?
But of course don't ask Pasquale - he thinks it is God's gift to Malaysia when Najib becomes PM.
Check out Pasquale's bashing of Anwar (Najib's serious contender) at this link:
I don't know why everyone wants him to be the next PM - even his face suggests that he is so fake!
Ling Ling Chatt,
Najib has nothing to do with C4 or Altantunya; Rosmah can testify.
Pasquale has his own ideology and it's his right to his own belief.
Not everyone wants him to be PM; but he has a great wife.
Maverick SM said...
".....testify or testicles????"
ah ah ah ah aha ha ha ha ah aha
then gotta ask ANTHATIEWYAH hoh???
funnie lor, Taikor!
....he he he the smile ???? look like he was telling PM from his heart ... u be next in my list.... next the missing PM ???????
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