Friday, May 23, 2008

Crime against Sexiness: Clothings or beauty?

The five armed robbers broke into a house at the Morsjaya commercial centre outside the Miri city centre, Sarawak and tied up the four people at home. But the robbers are not keen on locating the cash and jewelleries; they are more keen to locate the Indonesian maid first.

However, when they found the maid "not to their taste", they assaulted her and then decide to look for the cash and jeweleries.

The robbers wore only underwear and headed straight for the rooms after tying up four of the family members who were at the house," said a police source.

"They looked for the Indonesian maid who was living at the house, but after having taken a look at her, instead beat her up with the handles of the parang (machetes) they were carrying," said the source.

Source: Robbers who came in their underwear

The maid wasn't beaten up because of sexy outfit; she was lucky for not being rape because her look wasn't what the robbers wanted.

It looks like clothings aren't the cause of rape; it's beauty; so girls must not be beautiful; they must try to be ugly to be safe.

Munirah Bahari, do you understand?

Meanwhile, PAS declared that the baju kurung worn by schoolgirls to government schools is not that sexy. Pas Youth chief Salahudin Ayub said there was no problem with the school uniforms from an Islamic perspective.

“As long as the baju kurung is tailored according to the traditional Malay interpretations of the garment and not too tightly, I don’t see any problem,” he said.

Source: School uniform not sexy: Pas


Hope said...

I think it is more important to educate than to just point fingers - blaming the clothing, or the girls or the parents.

Not just to educate the girls, but boys as well and that is why I think sex education should be taught in school - not to talk about sex alone, but to educate them on rape, molestation, incest etc etc.

Anonymous said...

This is must be the most ridiculous news today for me at least! Students have have been using the same uniforms for 20 years or so! There no complaints back then, now suddenly become big news!

Maverick SM said...


I sincerely felt that sex education will not bring positive benefits.

There are just too many cases of teachers having sex with students and we can read about it in the internet and widely published.

What is more important is parent's role (in particular, mother's role) in educating their children on morality and sex.

Anonymous said...

munirah awfully quiet..maybe no one looking at her and she "merajok".

I suggest she put on a white blouse and mix around with real gentlemen, and not the type she mixes with in her persatuan

Anonymous said...

Munirah is a genius. There are so damn many robberies in msia. If we strip all the rich fellas of their monies and assets, there won't be anymore robbery right? Shouldn't she be awarded the genius of the century award?

Maverick SM said...

Artchan & Hasilox,

Artchan, I don't know what she wear but she has good suggestion and Hasilox has better suggestion.

Anonymous said...

mave: I suggest you be Chair of sex BUM009, I co-chair, and the ATTIRE ADVICE: Come in BirdDae suits:)

VVe invite Munirah as gas-speaker.

VVe prepare a hall for 5,000 people? Need to have one section for People from Venus and another section for those chewing MARS chocs, See! Cc: awe mGf wit' both eyes closed. -- Desi

Maverick SM said...


Good idea. You promote it and I support.

Unknown said...

People like to relate on the event that happened about certain issue like this School Uniform and sexy outfit.

It is so subjective. Some wore sexy but nothing happen. Some doesn't but still happen.

I used to sit behind girls in my class those days when I was teenager. I felt it hard to focus on the black board when I can see thru their dress. It happen as it took half of the day time.

My opinion, change the color a bit. Like the school perfect uniform, dark blue in color... not so see-thru.


Maverick SM said...

Terang Bulan,

You may be right; maybe black is better.

Anonymous said...

yes, change to black, but not too flashy like japs school girl.