Malaysia's Judges and Bar council members thrashed their Singapore counterparts in almost every sector.
The picture on the left shows the Chief Justice of Singapore, The Rt. Hon. Datuk Chan Sek Keong presenting the Judges' Cup to the Malaysian Chief Justice, YAA Datuk Seri Abdul Hamid bin Haji Mohamad.
Singapore were soundly defeated and Malaysian judges had the pride of place.
Singapore can never claim that they had better judges and lawyers (in certain aspects of life). They never had a correct,correct,correct and many other aspects.
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TS Sinnathuray, a Singapore Supreme Court judge Is one tribunal member that sack Tun Salleh Abbas.What he got to say about the issue!!
Were there korek korek korek games involved? lol
malaysia judges can only beat singapore in games (soccer, volleyball, etc), play play stuff.
i want to see how they can beat singapore in real matters, in the internatinal court and tribunals. with our judistriction so fucked up, i wonder how they can earn a respect from others if malaysian themselves have doubt.
Had CJ done his job back home when Judge can allow Plaintiff to drag Suggested Statement of Facts and Issues for more than 2 years and come up with a simple Issue if the article is Defamatory?
When Judge can allow Defendant Lawyers not attending court and idling without doing the job for the Defendant and chase off the clients with the call of Police when the lawyer refused even to provide a copy of documents that was shown to to them a couple of minutes ago?
When Judge can tell clients to do on their own without the Lawyer?
When Judge can tell the Plaintiff to proceed with bundle uncategorized and issue not settled ?
And, even when Clients were assaulted and battered by the Lawyers when Clients came to lawyers' office to send in reminder?
What should be give to CJ of Malaysia should be a BULL-head!
wonder how much they got lingam to bribe their counterpart from s'pore?
I don't think so; maybe ada
This is sports lah; where got job to do?
Shouldn't the Dark side of Judiciary under which CJ has more responsibility and the crooks of Lawyers be more to talk than just "sport"?
Or, I came to the wrong blog for sport and not for spots of Non-Justice which you had been screaming as well?
You are right about the judicial dilemma.
Thanks for giving a point where we can meet!
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