"I have to accept the fact that politics in this country has become dirty. There are certain quarters willing to do anything to achieve their aims."
We have to agree to his statement, holistically.
There can be no doubt about the dirtiness of our politics;
but it must also mean that the players who are themselves politicians must be dirty in order that politics can be dirty.
However, politics in itself cannot be dirty without money, damned monies, a lot of monies, and in order to fund the players of the dirty games the aspirers must be rich enough to pay the actors, the supporting casts and the crews and directors.

Meanwhile, in response to Balasubramaniam's withdrawal of the 1st Statutory Declaration and the subsequent submission of the 2nd SD, Najib said Balasubramaniam has no credibility.
I have to agree with Najib; it is clear that those who made the SD must be sure of what they wrote, the content must be truthful and factual; if at all it contains hearsay he must validate it and ensure that what is perceived and heard of must be the pure content without additives.
Making a huge commission from a submarine deal at the expense of the country is not dirty. It is dirty when someone in the deal wants more money.
Using other people's backdoor is not dirty. When he is exposed doing it, then the person exposing him is dirty.
asked him why did 16 NS trainees died? asked him how much his cronies are making by cutting corners at the expense of the trainees?
this is even worst than dirty politics coz we are talking innocent human lifes here.
UMNO very clean? If UMNO very clean and not dirty, they can conduct election without grassroots getting threats not to host this UMNO leader or that UMNO leader. Ask Ku Li. Ask Mhahthir..even his own Kubang Pasu can forsake him.
najib..please..you are the last person to talk about clean politics. If you claim to be so clean, sue RPK. Sue Bala..so that you can be cleared in courts. Seems like you don't even believe in the courts of your homeland. Just shut up and watch theenemy within UMNO that wants yoou down. Anwar may be one of your competitor, but that to me is the least of your problems.
najib sound like he is too innoncent.. like this is the first time in his political career.. politics is dirty.. yalah tu
i don't think i can take this anymore..
my nose bleed of brain haemorrhage.. :p
Politics is dirty, but murderers are much, much dirtier, mr najib
By saying Najib makes a huge commission you have made a presumption of guilt; It can be hypothetical from the information available and there's insufficient information and evidence to indict a person who under the law is presumed innocent until proven guilty. At best it is just a presumption.
Yok Hoong,
I think the NS and Dirty Politics are two different systems of management. I do not discount the observations that there's a lack of proper management of the NS program and that there's a high probability that some businessmen are abusing the system, and that there's too much cronyism and nepotism involved in the said program management. In all, I think Najib must take responsibility for the system weakness.
Umno is a political institution and as Najib said, Politics are dirty; it include Umno, MCA, MIC, PKR, DAP and all others.
What concerns us commoners are, not about dirty politics but the use of political powers to suppress and oppress the people, corruptions and abuses of the civil services, detention without trials as a form of political suppression of the ordinary folks, and the failure to respect the constitutional provisions, racial divide by rhetorics and enslavement doctrines, religious bigotry and suppression of the minorities.
Never trust policians who are still in office or still having indirect interest; irrespective whether they are from ruling government or opposition. Their interest at stake is high and will tend to do anyting to safeguard their intention or boundaries.
With the recent explosive allegations, we Rakyat continue to suffer. Do these politician that we voted for care? They are good at the rhetoric during the election campaign & ceramahs.
I was amazed to read in Star today that 200 contractors returning projects to the Govt!!! That bad. This an indication how deep of economic crisis we are facing right now.
ha ha ha ha ,.....
Macbeth is that you?.....
He knows politic is dirty because he is one of them. He is speaking from experience.
Ta Kung Chye,
Where is the 200 contractors who gave up? They can't even provide the names of the contractors; I can predict that there's probably one or two - the Association is exaggerating it big.
Macbeth? Shakespeare? em!!!
Ya he said politics is dirty; but what he meant was the others are dirty.
politikus say politics is dirty. Oh, it is like saying, everyone mum are woman too(until scientist find way to genetic engineer people).
All Malaysia will take the whole SD things as sandiwara, we don't even need the DPM Najib to say that.
BTW, credibility can be bought,tweak,spin, with hard cash and creative accounting. ;)
We all agree that politics is dirty.
maverick sm,
Your argument here is quite interesting. 1st of all, politics id dirty. Yes, but let's talk about what's going on and the players. Is there a more dirtier person than Najib here? And who can play dirty since he controls state institutions and media? Who controls Intelligence, Security, Defence, Criminal and Justice system of the country to use for dirty politics? Malaysia's politics can only be made dirty by those who wield the necessary tools to do so not the others. It has never been that case in any given time and nation.
Thirdly, if he is complaining of dirty politics where he may be affected, can't he simply proceed to the courts and lodge a police report seeking defamation damages and an apology? Who is the creating the circus? He can shorten it by filing a defamation suit. That's all. Using dirty newspapers like the NST to accuse others of dirtiness means to be the source of it. Stinkingly dirty indeed.
Your points of argument are valid and sensible; however, we just do not know why he did not use defamation law to clear up the issue; one good reason is that Bala withdraw the SD before he could act; however again, we also do not know why he did not take defamation action on RPK; that, only he knows. But I can accept the fact that Najid do not need to take defamation action as he believes that the police would take criminal actions against those guys. This way, it would be less troublesome than defamation action as he will have the burden to proved it was in fact defamatory.
Politic is not dirty only BNatang politicians smell of stinking shit!
I think we will also hear of Pakatan politicians who are also binatang; and some of these natang had rejoin the old.
It takes a thief to catch another thief. Guess, Najib is one of the many thieves in Malaysian politics.
Best of all, he think the ordinary malaysians are dumb and daft enough to realize that Najib is a bad ugly piece-a-shit thief.
Najib must have a sucks life! this reminds me of Tun Mahathir too. The Chief of Thieves - Aladin from Kubang Pasu.
I think we just can't go overboard with speculative political backstabbing that is going on. let's wait for the investigations by the relevant authorities.
All men are innocent until proven guilty.
Most of us are talking as if Najib have already been in a trial and convicted.
I agree with your first point. Regarding the second point, there are some people who are overboard.
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