Saturday, July 05, 2008

Now Open: For Your Eyes Only

As within, so without.
You cannot think one thing and produce another.

-- Emmet Fox


Anonymous said...

Sadly yes. Those wonderful days after Merdeka students never really thought about race and religions. But loose cannons, opportunists and fading leaders of our Country are making use of racial and religious issues to gain political mileage and popularity. The victims are we the true Malaysians.We are drifting apart and we need people like the late Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Anonymous said...

TDM is resposible for the system. He is still around, ask him for to correct it before he kick the bucket.

Anonymous said...

Drifting apart? With uncivilised fella like this MP from Pasir Salak calling citizens of other races immigrants? What can we do? Muhibbah is a twilight term. In
Tunku's era he will be detained under ISA. We need more leaders like HRH Tg Nazrin

Unknown said...


Najib start going TALKING COCK AND DENIAL AGAIN. Najib should just keep quiet and ignore the press. Najib now making himself look like a COCK, what a COCKY fella!

Check out 05/07/08

".....Najib said despite the issue having an adverse effect on his image, he had to face it somehow since it was the intention of those involved. However, he was confident Umno members would stand by him and not be easily influenced by the action of the perpetrators.

He also urged the people to think maturely and differentiate between what is true and false.

"Slander is not something new but in the age of ICT, it could spread much faster and wider.

"As such, the people must strengthen their belief and make a conclusion with the right frame of mind," he said. ....."

Arena Green said...

Why blame only the educationists? Just go to any government department, cast an eye around and see how the line clearly separates "them" and everyone else. There's no subtlety in endorsing racism under the guise of affirmative action anymore.

Maverick SM said...

James Sraj,

I have to agree with your points.


I think TDM must bear this responsibility and blame; however, Anwar should also be blamed for this too.


He has to say it.

Anak Merdeka,

I agree; but I will still want to blame those educationists as they are part of the fault, including all the lecturers, deans, VCs, and those racist Student Union leaders which still are.