Anwar has got strong support in Permatang Pauh just like I got my strong support in Padang Rengas as it is my hometown. Permatang Pauh has always been an opposition fort. Anwar grabbed it from PAS Zabidi (Ali) in the 1980s, so he has been very popular there. Even when he was not the MP, his wife got in although she was not a local.
(On Sept 16) I'm still waiting. In fact, this morning I woke up to check whether I'm still a minister - that is why I came a bit late today, but the government has not crumbled yet.
(On Sept 16) I'm still waiting. In fact, this morning I woke up to check whether I'm still a minister - that is why I came a bit late today, but the government has not crumbled yet.

And in regards to his win in Permatang Pauh, I think all those in BN don't have to feel sad as that constituency has always been Anwar's base and stronghold for a long time. And it is not like he won BN's seat. (There's) no reason at all to be sad.
I say this because many opined that Anwar's victory threatens BN, but there is nothing to fear as that constituency was never BN's.
For PKR, the by-election is like ‘life or death'. However for BN, it was just another seat which was not Barisan's. It does not affect the leadership as Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi is still the Kepala Batas MP and Deputy Prime MInsiter Najib Abdul Razak is Pekan MP.
Statement by Dr Koh Tsu Koon, Penang BN chairman and Gerakan acting president
While the by-election results showed the preference of the Permatang Pauh voters, BN must also take serious note that it may well be reflective of the overall perception and feeling of Malaysians elsewhere.
BN must acknowledge and address the people's dissatisfaction and even disenchantment with the establishment for what was perceived as a lack of commitment, communication and concrete results, especially in the past two years.
Source: Malaysiakini
The only one with brain among the three stooges is Koh Tsu Koon. The other two, bodoh lagi sombong.
It seems that UMNO ministers are still very much in denial mode, despite the March 08 GE and now the PP by-election results. They are still as arrogant and cannot believe that they are not invincible. Looks like their eventual fall, and perhaps UMNO's as well, will be very tragic and painful.
And so the show continues, just as UMNO hardens its stand. Also losers in the subsequent fallout will be all the other BN component parties who have decided to stick to BN, especially, MCA, MIC and Gerakan.
Mmmm...too bad. The taste of power can be addictive and makes people crazy, you know.
I say ..let them believe UMNO is still strong. If they cannot see that in PP, even UMNO members voted for Anwar..then people like Nazri and Sabery will be consigned to the wastebin.
I don't think Nazri will win in Padang Rengas again.
Angkuh sungguh 2 org macai UMNO tu. Kita tunggu dan lihat ahli2 UMNO sendiri yg tolak mereka nanti. Koh Tsu Kun nampaj sedar diri tapi kena jaga hati PM dia. Kesian!
Since when the Umno ministers will acknowledge that it is their faults.
Let it be and that is the reason why Anwar still survive after 10 years absence in active politics.
We should be thankful to Umno if not we will not have results like in PP by election and PRU12.
UMNO and BN please continue be the same and sleep like your sleepy 'head'.
Since when the Umno ministers will acknowledge that it is their faults.
Let it be and that is the reason why Anwar still survive after 10 years absence in active politics.
We should be thankful to Umno if not we will not have results like in PP by election and PRU12.
UMNO and BN please continue be the same and sleep like your sleepy 'head'.
Since when the Umno ministers will acknowledge that it is their faults.
Let it be and that is the reason why Anwar still survive after 10 years absence in active politics.
We should be thankful to Umno if not we will not have results like in PP by election and PRU12.
UMNO and BN please continue be the same and sleep like your sleepy 'head'.
Denials, denials and more denials... okay, maybe not so much of a denial from KTK.
Putting up a brave front is fine, as long as they know that they really need to change for the better before they get kicked out of their jobs.
Can people continue to profess
What they want to fully confess
As their own solutions to progress
Without having deemed to transgress
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 280808
Thu. 28th Aug. 2008.
"Although it was just a by-election, it could be an indication of a trend that the voters had already decided that they wanted change even if they didn't know what the changes were, and refused to accept BN's leadership," , - Umno Vice-President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
there are still some brains in UMNO.
You may be right.
Nazri will. He has a strong following there.
Memang betul.
You may be right.
Change is difficult.
Good poem.
i dont see there's nothing wrong with what all the BN leaders commented on the by-election.there's truth in it.
it has been known that Permatang Pauh is the fortress for Anwar since long ago.so,it's easy for Anwar to obtain victorious lead at Permatang Pauh recently.
you all must understand that they have to "defend" BN so that the supporters will not go haywire.same as Pakatan Rakyat.i'm sure Pakatan Rakyat also tries to calm their supporters on certain issues and controversy.
but both party,BN and PR,have to acknowledge that the power is actually in rakyat hands.one can't have the mindset that we are forever can be on top of the world.
I'm in total agreement with you.
jeez, these two scumbags...
one with bad hair disease and
the other with disgusting mouth disease...
Lol, KTK seems start regain some of his wisdom and gutts after booted by Penang people.
It is easy for the other two politikus to say so. Because BN politikus are NOT train to talk about policies and governing, they are train to be yes man.
In PP by election, besides PR talking about restoring the justice, reform to MEP,etc, BN candidates say little to defend BN government policies. Government parties are suppose to SHOW results, not digging wrongs of Anwar personal affair. TO dig personal affair, paparazi will do better work than our PDRM and BN spies, with less money.
Shabery said BN feels sad....
Not sad, but threaten !
It is we, the rakyat that chooses if we want you or not.
Never once these BN goons admit their faults. But so proud & arrogrant..!
Really, not important, pls lah Mr.Minister, what crap you are telling us now. If it is so insignificant, by bother to compete in the first place. Why do we hear so many stories of "dirty tactics" in Permatang Pauh? Why is Ng Yen Yen giving out money? Why are you collecting voters IC and promise loan etc? Why is your flip flop PM's SSIL(KJ) wants to bury DSAI in Permatang Pauh?
From this by-election one can truly see how our MSM report news for the government/BN/UMNO, really one sided, even Bernama and Awani is the same. Luckily for the Internet.....
Lastly, can anyone asked KJ(Khairy) to resign from Rembau seat, he promised to resign if Anwar goes to Parliament. So, pls put your(KJ) mouth where your money is! The way I see it, KJ is just another loud mouth chicken shit!
I hope BN continues to live in denial state ... natural death will be allowed to takes its cause.
susah bila orang tak nampak disebalik kata-kata ahli politik.
mereka kata begitu sebab mereka lihat dari perspektif yang berbeza yang mana ada kawasan yang boleh ditakluk ada kawasan yang memang susah nak ditakluk.maka sebab itu kita tak boleh samakan Permatang Pauh dengan tempat lain.
di Permatang Pauh mempunyai ramai penyokong PR.di tempat lain belum pasti akan ada penyokong PR yang ramai.
kata-kata semangat memang diperlukan untuk meneruskan perjuangan sebab penyokong akan bergantung pada pemimpin mereka.jika pemimpin tidak menunjukkan karisma,penyokong akan mudah kecewa.kita lihat mana-mana ahli politik akan begitu.
heh ... just let these UMNO goons stay in their dreamland. it is going to be really fun watching them rudely awakened when the BN ship sinks with all of them aboard.
What else can the BN goons talk about other than Anwar and Saiful?
Did he say so?
It is not good if they are so.
Di sebalik katakata ahli politik? Mengenai Saiful? Adakah BN hanya ada barang saiful untuk di ceritakan kepada rakyat PP?
Morning Mav,
Well according to one of DSAI ceramah during the by elections(from youtube), DSAI did mentioned this. DSAI also mentioned that KJ wants to bury his political career in PP but DSAI "hit" back by saying PP is his backyard. I am not sure which recording already but I think it's the one recorded on the eve of the election day.
Ya, Khairy did say such thing; it was published. But did Khairy says he will resign i Anwar wins?
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