BTW, we don't think BayiSingh is detained under ISA because he is an African prince and is ultra rich; rich man is always free, enjoys freedom and equality.
Instead of reporting back on the mission status, this One Long Dick send 4 pictures of Cocapabana: one shot of the day time, and one shot of the night scene.

Dick, where the hell is BayiSingh! I didn't sent you to Rio to take pictures of the seaside.
I think there was a miscommunication. I thought I would meet up with One Long Dick at the Copacabana beach in Dubrovnik, Croatia. When I heard that One Long Dick was in Rio de Janerio, I went there immediately but along the way I met an old girlfriend, Ipanema wholis a legend on the Ipanema beach near Copcabana.
Anyway, I am here in Copacabana and I don't see any Long Dicks.
And no, I have not been taken in under the ISA. If this happens, the export of the best diamonds to Malaysia will stop and all the Datins will cry in front of the Kodomo Lion.
Bayisingh is either in kamunting or Gitmo. People who wear turbans are counted as taliban by the USA
Excuse me, Anon 12:21. I don't wear a turban. I am a modern singh. I wear diamonds...
look like in penang
You didn't meet the Long Dick guy? Ya, where is my diamond?
Anak Bugis Johor,
This is not Penang; it's Rio.
Maverick, I was doing area recon! One Long Dick
One Long Dick,
Where the hell are you? Have you found BayiSingh?
I'll pass over your diamond to One Long Dick when I meet up with him. But he has a history of not showing up. Keep your fingers crossed.
Make sure you get that Long Dicko.
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