Apart from the fact that it is the true Malaysia Day?
It's Anwar and his Pakatan Rakyat's dream.
Will it happen? I don't know. But it's two more days to D-day!

But the clock seems to show the wrong time?
The one below is adjusted to show the time more correctly:

The kiamsiap Alex said if that happens he will buy me this:

All this ISA detention is suppose to be the finale for The Drama "New MAlaysia"?
As the usual ending to Hollywood movies; The King, The Saint and The Journalist being held ransom.
The Starring @ Anwar got to make the rescue by sending few of his most trusted aids to Taiwan to get the necessery support while Anwar himself deal with the current issue.
Just like the usual Finale, it will always be NOW or NEVER!
All this ISA detention is suppose to be the finale for The Drama "New MAlaysia"?
As the usual ending to Hollywood movies; The King, The Saint and The Journalist being held ransom.
The Starring @ Anwar got to make the rescue by sending few of his most trusted aids to Taiwan to get the necessery support while Anwar himself deal with the current issue.
Just like the usual Finale, it will always be NOW or NEVER!
916 ini no, mesti kedai ekork tak jual punya, lugi lo.
It may just be as illusory.
where can we buy a countdown clock for the BN?
they will be in the market soon.
Be careful maverick, I think that clock is going to self destruct very soon.
916 is the dream of every sane malaysian. I was watching the 10tahun before merdeka video, and I was moved by the solidarity of the malaysian people.
When will politicians (particularly UMNO) allow us to be one again?????
Is it the "Mission Impossible" thing? Haha... the clock is ticking...
It will take a paradigm shift for that to happen. We have only hope; and hope is the only thing we got.
Tak payah harap sangat benda tu jadi. Memang ni perangai pembohong Anwar. Cakap macam2 bila sampai masa dia berdalih. Bagi alasan macam2, salahkan orang lain.
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