If you follow the law, the law will not hurt you
If your lawyers is competent in law, he may be able to help you
If the prosecutors knows the law, he may be able to serve justice for you
If the judges is competent in law, they will ensure justice is prevailed accordingly
If the judicial system uses the law, justice can be served in accordance with the rules
Go get a law degree! Sign up with Brickfields College or ATC College now! If not, do self study.
Remember: if you fail science and maths, and dislike technology and art, take law as your only choice; it will save you!
Morning Mav,
In Malaysia, mana ada law, we only have in-laws, UMNO laws, bolehland laws and no-law. How can Razak be freed? Given him benefit of doubt he did not directly order the kill, he is still guilty in abetting and he should be put into jail for few years. So, if I know somebody wrong'ed someone and I keep quite, I am not guilty? I am still guilty punishable by law!
Most of the lawyer friends or relative I know all migrated already, they also cannot tahan the "things" that are going on in our judiciary system, no lah, don't put our young ones thru hell by getting them to go into law, but into business law ok lah. If it is to be part of the system, oklah, but to reform the system? Better go and be professionals or businessman, make lots of money and then take care of our community, you know a philanthropist or something of that nature.
Even their own kind like Zaid, too have to be told to resign as Senator, what more can a not their kind do?
Malaysia mana ada law nak jaga the "truth will prevail". Malaysia ada special law to protect citizen by keeping them under ISA. Razak is very lucky indeed because he knows the people who write the law to protect him from the "truth will prevail". but again, if his heart attack strikes, there is no law down under can protect him. Malaysia got Law meh???
If you were to fail in everything, the best choice would be to join Ammo and its den of thieves! It will save you!
Ha ha .... Believe in Malaysian Law and Institutions?
Fix the PDRM and AG Chambers first. Otherwise, nothing will move. I still have a case which the Police just refuse to enforce. Well at that time, I thought I was the only one singled out, but looks like it is their SOP. If you are nobody, they don't bother about you.
Las and Order? Lawak jenaka adalah....
Ya, I hear you, what every Msian needs , is to carry, Msian law, olympic sprint record of 9.6secs for 100m ( to retrieve purse snatched away), first aid for stabbing and advanced course on how to stitch your own wounds, a 10 dan karate belt with 10 yrs experience......
and do two jobs to keep the family fed at lest three times a day. and teaching ability to teach the kids ...
where is the failure here?
BUT for this case,....the deafening silence from the people who can make a difference, .....what are they saying,.....? Where are they?
aiya no need la.. be badawi in-law also enough to rule the country already
If Razak is grateful to god, then the Mongol girl should be grateful to ________......
Know the law may help but knowing the right people will do wonder.....
Go get a law degree! Yeah, and fail the CLP exam after getting the law degree
Is anyone referring to a God who knows all or an euphemism for God ie the God(s) who rule us?
This case will be a landmark case.
In future expect to see ppl with the motive to commit a crime but didn't do it directly themselves will go free
Good to know Money still Talks ain't it?
Which god?
And he was f*cking around with the mongolian girl...so can the next charge stick....
or our "fatwas gang" against yoga are also hopeless.
No, you don't need to study law. As long as you are either rich or powerful, the law keeping standard will automatically degrade and the case will dissolve itself.
I am not surprise when I read the news.
Bolehland are infamous by having many incompetent law keeper and prosecutor that failed the professional.
If some "not so famous" criminal case evident can be "missing In action", and case kicked out due to improper procedure, how can you expect the justice to be done on high profile case?
P.I. Bala needs to be arrested for the murder because he committed perjury by lying under oath in court.
Malaysia has all the laws - Contract law, Family law, Syariah Law, Tort Law, Criminal Law, and son-in-law.
Got lah!
We have already fix everything. Cannot fix anymore.
Mahathir once said: "If you want to commit a crime, come to Malaysia. Altantunya obeyed and came.
Hahaha...Pak Lah is facing anxiety over the son-in-law who is now bullied by Umno Youth.
Believed our laws!!!
You miss the decidendi ratio: it's an affidavit for bail which save Razak.
The god above; but below the sky.
I think you need not be surprise if you understand criminal law. Please take note that criminal law needs the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt. The prosecution failed to deal with the points of contention in the affidavit for bail.
Get to know our judicial system legality and legitimacy? I think you would rather enjoy watching the American legal TV drama, such as The Practice, Boston Legal, Law & Order & etc.
if you got the money & lots of it, you are above the law.
but if you are poor, you are damned...
and this, the courts have proven it time after time, case after case.
Razak Baginda should be grateful to his GOD too for matching him with Big Tits Altantuya; that Razak will never get rid from his memories so long he is breathing.
This Razak should take Soi Lek as his chess partner lah!
why you fellas making noises when Mongolian father has mellowed. no more curse. know why? try guess again.
Karpal: Razak can be rearrested if prosecution appeals.
just for the record.....
Seems that you're resigned when the outcome is not to popular wishes. With all those following the public legal proceedings, still certain quarters are not satisfied because it is contrary to their wishes??
Is there a way where prosecution need not be through the Peguam Negara's office so that there is alternative prosecution channel to follow??
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