Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Khir Koyoed again in Elizabeth's Nude Saga

Elizabeth Wong Nude Photo Saga

Dr Khir Toyo asked: "She is a single person. How can she allow a man into her room when they are not married? What's the status of the relationship."

Source: Malaysiakini.com

Dear Dr Khir,

You are an absolute koyo! Elizabeth Wong is a Chinese and not a Muslim. Miss Wong is a single, unmarried woman and she is legally entitled to sleep with any man she chooses as long as the man is 18-year-old or older. Miss Wong's religion permits her to have a boyfriend and though she is discouraged to have pre-marital sex, it is legally permissible and the priests do not have the power or rights to adjudge her morality. The Chinese moral and religion allows any single girl to sleep with their boyfriend, including consensual sex; and there is absolutely nothing wrong. The moral of a married man or woman is slightly differed: married person can sleep and have sex with others provided they do it discreetly and make absolutely certain that there is no hidden CCTV or webcam; otherwise, they become public personalities Ex-Rated Stars.

Mr Khir, do not use your own moral rules to judge another. Please take care of yourself, your wife and your daughters, and sons too. Mr. Khir, you are a Muslim and under Islamic Law you are not permitted to fool around with women nor sleep with any other woman except your legal wife. I am more fortunate than you as I am Chinese and I have much more freedom to do or act in regards to sex and sexual intercourse and my religion do not discourage me to do so. However, it is up to me to adopt any form of moral principles or policies.

With that, I hope you, Khir Toyo would not be caught sleeping with other women - it is Khalwat, and you will be punish in accordance to Syariah Law. I truly hope that none of your nude pictures will appear in U-Tube or Malaysiakini. Pray hard and take care, Mr. Toyo. Wish you luck.


Anonymous said...

Khir Toyo is an a$$hole alright..but what is more frightening is the UMNO asslickers who thinks he is right. There is really no saving this guy...On the other hand with Toyo helming UMNO..It won't go far. He will bring the UMNO youths down the shithole with him

Sorry for the coarse language....delete this post if you please...but swineheads like him cannot be allowed to talk cock

Anonymous said...

Botoxed Killed Toyol is a clown, I still remember how the bugger boasting of zero opposition for Selangor before 12th GE, but in the end the bugger and Barisan Najis were booted out of Selangor state government...hahaha...

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth slept w/ the wrong man. it would be `halal' & legal if the invinsible man is Toyol!- Mmudahlupa

anyway,i missed the nude pix.website closed. any volunteers?
my email; spthow@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...


just found out. toyo makes love to his wife without both undressed. This is to absolutely prevent any possible incidence of unsanctioned shots of him and his wife in nude.
Also, when he masturbates, Toyo always keep his pants on so that nobody can have a photo of his endowment.

Amen, God bless him.

Anonymous said...

Yup. An UMNO man talking about morality and asking for the victim to resign.

Look back at one UMNO's Selangor ADUN under his administration - YB Dr Rozaidah. She was caught in the act by the husband.

She was still serving as an ADUN until the March 2008's GE. The party decided to drop her to avoid negative campaigns.

Khir, eats your own words.


Anonymous said...

EW's non-Muslim and single, so there really shouldn't be any issue. But there may be a can of worms with regards to the ex-bf... http://elizabethwong.wordpress.com/2008/03/10/ge12-thank-you/

connect the dots and work out the implications for PR...

only in Malaysia :(

KIMHO8 said...

Corruption, provocation, hatred, cultural deprivation, education deprivation, human rights deprivation ....& etc. etc. have higher morality.
God hath deprived him of wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Maverick and all you guys out there. Lu olang must look deeper cos there's more to this than meet the eyes/ears.

Eli say she has done NOTHING wrong yet she quickly resigns without pressure from anyone except Akhir Koyo. She could easily sue the bugger of an ex-boyfriend but she can't. Know why cos she fear there are more photos coming out which will be way more intense.....so the plot thickens.....

The ex-boyfriend or whoever/whatever may be A)a senior member of her party or B)may be a senior Malay Muslim member of her party ...or C)even worse a senior member of a Opposition Component party...or D)even much much more worse a senior Malay Muslim member of the Grand Daddy of all political parties or E)could even be an ordinary member of her party who crossed-over and became a very wealthy member of the Grand Daddy party with his juicy hotbits.

What can this tell you?...that she is sleeping with the enemy and passing valuable party & State secrets to the opposition under the silk linen sheets???

If the guy is a Malay Bumiputra Muslim she is definitely a goner becos as an EXCO and a State Cabinet member she will be seen to be greatly assisting a Muslim Male to commit Khalwat or Zina which are very grave sins under Islamic laws and practices although she being a Non-Muslim will not be punished accordingly by the Muslim authorities.

You can bet that the Federal Govt & the Police will probe this VERY thoroughly to unearth all cockscrews under tin-cans and hit the Contractor with the Tractor to joyfully exclaim, "There You Are. We Told You So". As it is, Latuk Side Ameed has already said that the Police will leave no stones unturned and probed real deep..as deep as the penetration can go.

So guys, we come to the Euro64 Million question? Did she or didn't she .....do it with a Muslim Politician?

ps Who wears spectacles when they are asleep? The photos which appear are only the appetizers. In time, Doktah Lolo will even Lo and Behold with both eyes wide-shut. Let us be strong and pray to the Lord that the above WILL NOT COME TRUE. Amen.

Anonymous said...

If she really did it with a muslim, which part of her anatomy would be chopped off for adultery under hudud?

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 11.39am.

Answer is NONE. Currently,Islamic laws are not applicable to Non-Muslims PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

WRONG. if you did it with a muslim, then you must marry her/him and convert to islam.

you may want to consider that as a punishment or a shotgun marriage. legally you can be force to a marriage this way.

Raison D'etre said...

Anon 12.35: Huh?

And which particular Enactment says this?

Eli Wong really understood the predicament she's in for allowing the turncoat (Trojan horse? Hmmm. Saiful...) into her life.

Such a pity. She was a bright spark in new age politics than tired old facelifts.

Anonymous said...

many bn reps' behaviours are WORSE..........
lu betol betol TOYOL la

Anonymous said...

many bn reps' behaviours are WORSE..........
lu betol betol TOYOL la

Anonymous said...

anon11.39, la cha mau, anon12.35, raisond'etre...

i thought islamic law say if your dicky did it with a muslim, then your dicky must marry her and convert to muslim but...

the rest of your organ/body can still remain christian, hindu or buddhist... right? yes? no?

Anonymous said...

Killed Toyol, you should look at mirror first before asking Eli to resign on moral ground.

Her privacy is being invaded , she is the victim here, she did not do anything immoral or commit any crime , how dare you ask her to resign ?

Just f*** off !

Anonymous said...

yes, and if the rest of the organ refuse to follow the dicky new religion that they must go separate ways.

in other words, if u don't convert then the butcher knife is kissing your dick goodbye.

Anonymous said...



June.W said...

~~~sigh~~~...isn't it obvious, mr toyo trying to be a moral hero, but only made a fool of himself... Eli Wong is single, so, wat do u guys care who she is sleeping with? As long as she is doing a great job for the rakyat... I heard some high ranker also rampas orang lain punya bini jugak... masa tu saya kecil lagi, tak faham apa-apa.... last last jadi c4-ler

Anonymous said...

Hi Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin,

When the issue of Yoga popped up, the non-Muslim went around to condemn the majils fatwa. Lest the issue on penkid. Some even went to the extend to give a reason why they (the non-Muslim) has the bloody right to interfere with the affairs of Muslim.

Why there is no issue of your own moral rules to judge another?

This is a clear case of Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin

Anonymous said...

Khir Toyol is a living carcass. if his nude pictures or clips ever appear in You Tube, rest assured our computer screen will burst into flames and CPU crashed to pieces. Being living Carcass, one should not have high regard over Khir Toyol - period!

Anonymous said...

Aiya Killed Toyol, you better mind your own business lah, go prepare for post 13th GE time when PR takes over the central government..I am sure all those skeletons in your closet will come out and you will spend time in Sungai Buloh prison.
Hmm.. that time you will be Dead Toyol lor..

Jordan Kee Yu Wah said...

By the logic of beruk toyol, all raped victim should have kill themselve lor,

Anonymous said...

just forgive and forget....

everybody make mistake...

make sure there is room for improvement...

we are all human...

Islam or other religion never punish people for good..

There is still room for improvement... for the betterment of society...

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

"Elizabeth Wong is a Chinese and not a Muslim. Miss Wong is a single, unmarried woman and she is legally entitled to sleep with any man she chooses"...

Yes. She is a chinese. An chinese are asshole. Fucker !

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that according to chinese custom, adulterer will be punished by locking into a pig cage and throw into the river.

If we remember the history of Taiping, there was an incident of a couple being thrown into river for committing adultery.

So don't simply say that as Chinese she can do anything she wants. Don't simply claimed it is Chinese. By whose definition of your Chinese?

You are insulting the Chinese. Do you think Chinese custom is so cheep that their women are like prostitute where they are legal to sleep with any man?

In fact Chinese custom has the most strict rule to gender mixing. In the past, the bride would not have seen their groom until the night of marriage. So what Chinese are you talking about? Those corrupted Chinese who think they are so progressive just because they carry some English name and think they are liberated because they can sleep with any male they want?

Anonymous said...

so just kerana u r chinese, you boleh buat apa saja,

tidur dan bergilir-gilir jantan, tak ubah mcm pelacur!!!!


Anonymous said...

Anon 10:53PM

Harap-harap kamu bukan seorang Muslim. Kalau tidak, betul-betul memalukan.


Anonymous said...

Anon 4:35 PM and 10:53 PM,

What about Norhayati? is she not a muslim? So do you also want to generalize that all muslim is a f#$k and a ass%$?

use your f#$king head for once, and stop talking like an idiot.

As a muslim, i am ashame of you. what a disgrace to the religion. total crack-pot.

Anonymous said...

Toyol buke orghe sini Dio oghe Lampung. Di sano bini duo puloh tak dok masaloh.
Suroh dio balik jual tempe jage magi kacar oghe sini