Saturday, June 06, 2009

Penang 2nd Bridge

I was told the government through UEM has appointed Maunsall Zakaria Sharma as the submission structural consulting engineer for the Penang 2nd Bridge.

MZS was also the same consulting engineer for the MRR2 project which was later diagnosed with design error.

The repair and strengthening of MRR2 was said to have cost RM80 million and since it was attributed as design fault that contributed to the structural failure there exist a design guarantee bond, provided under the contractual terms, by the contractor and also a professional indemnity bond provided by the design engineer to cover and indemnify the government in such event.

Interestingly, it seems the government was gracious and forgiving, and disquietly forgetful too.


Anonymous said...

cynically, UEM needs such type of people. if he fails, whats gonna happen? more repair jobs rite?which means more income rite? which means its good for them rite? so, why do you need competents anyway? even if the bridge breaks into two, whats the great deal? it happens elsewhere rite? how many people died as a % of people that has used the bridge before it tumbles? small rite? so its acceptable given the multiplier effect from brdige construction plus all the repair works.


Anonymous said...

"the government was gracious and forgiving, and disquietly forgetful too"

This explains the presence of vast numbers of samseng jalan and corrupt police officers

moo_t said...

Penang government has ban heavy vehicle crossing the bridge during peak hour, and that has shorten the traffics issue during peak hour.

I wonder, if the dysfunctional public transport monopoly being weed out, are 2nd bridge feasible?

Maverick SM said...


My opinion is that the 2nd Bridge is a necessity.

Anonymous said...

the gomen of the day need to do Charity to its people by giving jobs and more jobs after failures of the first job earlier awarded. its okay and if the bridge collapse, some people will die and that in effect will boost the local funeral industry which indirectly creates more job opportunity in that industry, also increase the demand of car industry as well as creates job for Toll Collectors to be filled by Local Undergraduates (in abundance).

Ok lah.... some make commission, some help retire people for good and make commission in result of the bridge etc.

thats capitalism and democracy. not bad huh! finally, no more BN members jumping ship to PR lor!!!

same story said...

malaysian mudah lupa :))))

lucia said...

do we need the second bridge?