Roselan Apology

25th. May 2004, NSTP report
Today's news in The Sun published a statement of apology from Kota Kinabalu UMNO Division head Roselan Johar pertaining to his previous remarks on the rape victims which I had blogged earlier.
"It could be in bad taste but I did not mean for it to sound like that," says Roselan.
I do not know what he had intented to mean, if that's not what he had meant. Anyway, he did apologize and I think we should accept it as his sincerity.
"Public officials should be educated on the nature and effect of rape before expressing their views on the subject," says Ivy Josiah, the executive director of Woman's Aid Organization. Is she implying that public officials are nuts and have no basic knowledge about human psychology, human philosophy and understanding of basic social issues? If that's true, then did we elect or did the Barisan National appoint NUTs to take care of the Rakyat? My GOD, where is the Nation heading with the type of leaders we have?
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