I read with great propensity and perplexities on the news in NST and The Star today pertaining to the Four-Letters of correspondences between Mahathir and Singapore Goh.
What puzzles me is: Did the govt clear the air or pump pollutants into the air space to shroud it? What's the purpose of revealing these 4-letters? What was this that relates to Mahahir's request for answers? Do they understand the main issue that are being debated? What was the critical issues raised by Mahathir? What would be the Cause-and-Effect and negative consequences hereof?
Firstly, the center-point of the issue is Mahathir's tirade and dissatisfaction over several key areas, namely, the calling-off of Cynic Bridge, the agreement for sale of mammoth supply of sand to Singapore, Malaysian Territorial and Sovereign rights to do projects within it's boundary, the new agreement in principle for the use of space, the retardation of Putrajaya's development plan, the cancellation of Double-track railway project, the sacking of Mahaleel and the disposal of Agusta at $4 Ringgit.
Did these 4-Letters reveal anything to counter Mahathir's point of contention (PoC)?
I am baffled at the headline in The Star which proclaims: Four Letters Shed Light on Issues. Did it shed any light for which we had not yet known. In fact these points were highlighted by Mahathir in his contention and nothing new was shed,; there was no light at all; in fact, it's more of a smokescreen.
What would have shed light, is the fact that should answer this question:
"Since Mahathir left office, what are the correspondences and new terms agreed or discussed between Malaysia and Singapore which relates to Mahathir's PoC? What are the things which were agreed that were contrary to Mahathir's PoC?
Nothing was mention or revealed about the sale of sand agreement and the discussions regarding the use of airspace.
Furthermore, on the termination of the Package Deal, Goh Chok Tong merely said that the package approach and trade-offs are no longer possible and that since the package deal is off, Singapore Officials are instructed to deal with water and the other issues individually and separately on their stand-alone merits. It doesn't say the Singapore Govt did not agree with the Proposed Crooked Bridge or possibly, a Straight-Bridge? It didn't say that the proposed knockdown of the causeway by Singapore after 2007 is not acceptable. It merely say that each issue will be dealt with separately and individually, based on it's own merit (i.e the mutual benefits philosophy will apply).
So, what was revealed? Only Mahathir's side of correspondence with Singapore's written reply. Why is it that Pak Lah's govt and the Foreign Minister Hamid Albar are not prepared to reveal their roles, their negotations and their contributions towards the resolution with Singapore? Is there something hidden and unspoken? Did Mahathir knows something that is esoteric and in fact had proof of them? Will he open up the Pandora Box?
Equally baffled was the speech by Mohd Ali Rustam that Efforts to explain issues well received. Ali Rustam said he is confident that the ongoing efforts to explain current political issues have been well received by the grassroots. As a prelude to the Mahathir's talk in Kelantan which is unresolved, UMNO had organized more than 1,000 branch members from Pengkalan Chepa and Pasir Mas divisions to show support and loyalty by reading out a pledge of support for Abdullah. The show of support comes ahead of talk that Dr Mahathir would visit Kelantan on July 28. Pre-emptive strikes??? What are they afraid of? I don't know!
Mahathir, being an astute warrior and political strategist himself, he surely knows how to deal in the current situation. When he is back, there will be more, far more insidious revelation. Sun Tze art of war and Machiavelli's Prince may be far too simplistic and basic to Mahathir, for if, he can dump 3 deputies (without a sneeze), thwart a fiery challenge by Tengku Razaleigh to his throne (which effectively emasculated him), and deals with the East Asian Economic Crisis, he is truly a warrior in the mould of Sultan Süleyman and Genghis Khan.
Wait for another few days, for "He Shall Return" and strike again at the imbecile.

Firstly, the center-point of the issue is Mahathir's tirade and dissatisfaction over several key areas, namely, the calling-off of Cynic Bridge, the agreement for sale of mammoth supply of sand to Singapore, Malaysian Territorial and Sovereign rights to do projects within it's boundary, the new agreement in principle for the use of space, the retardation of Putrajaya's development plan, the cancellation of Double-track railway project, the sacking of Mahaleel and the disposal of Agusta at $4 Ringgit.
Did these 4-Letters reveal anything to counter Mahathir's point of contention (PoC)?

What would have shed light, is the fact that should answer this question:
"Since Mahathir left office, what are the correspondences and new terms agreed or discussed between Malaysia and Singapore which relates to Mahathir's PoC? What are the things which were agreed that were contrary to Mahathir's PoC?
Nothing was mention or revealed about the sale of sand agreement and the discussions regarding the use of airspace.
Furthermore, on the termination of the Package Deal, Goh Chok Tong merely said that the package approach and trade-offs are no longer possible and that since the package deal is off, Singapore Officials are instructed to deal with water and the other issues individually and separately on their stand-alone merits. It doesn't say the Singapore Govt did not agree with the Proposed Crooked Bridge or possibly, a Straight-Bridge? It didn't say that the proposed knockdown of the causeway by Singapore after 2007 is not acceptable. It merely say that each issue will be dealt with separately and individually, based on it's own merit (i.e the mutual benefits philosophy will apply).
So, what was revealed? Only Mahathir's side of correspondence with Singapore's written reply. Why is it that Pak Lah's govt and the Foreign Minister Hamid Albar are not prepared to reveal their roles, their negotations and their contributions towards the resolution with Singapore? Is there something hidden and unspoken? Did Mahathir knows something that is esoteric and in fact had proof of them? Will he open up the Pandora Box?

Wait for another few days, for "He Shall Return" and strike again at the imbecile.
1 comment:
Selective revelation -- like a stripteaser! But some sly lines like "A Government is not about scoring points...etc" slipped in at the end of Point 4 would enrage the ex-PM as it is another aspersion cast in his direction. I guess it's Kalimullah & gang's work again?
So the Sandiwara -- I call it an Epic PLAY ala-Da Bard! continues, like you sa, in a few more days' time when M. Genghis Khan returns foolly recharged. Thjose court jesters better run and hyde!
Mate: Thanks for "inpoutting" to my recent Posts!
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