Don't blame the Excos. They saw town councillors staying in "small" mansions worth about RM20mil each. Exco Village bungalows is only worth less than RM1mil each.
How can State Executive Officers, who ranked higher than Town Councillors be beggarised?
This is a good one, mave.
This is so depressing. Pain? Of course not.. the money is not from their own pocket. To hell with the rakyat's money!
so true, so true.
I wouldn't want to be trumped by local councillor/ADUN. What more a state minister?
how stupid they r!
so tax payers moolahs goes there, and that includes middle class chinese n indian family that hustle day n night for 'sesuap nasi' for their family and kids. nabehnya gomen.
my understanding is that the village are "quarters" for the excos and not given to them to own.
the councillors concerned own the so called "20 million mansions".
Warrior2, I am surprised you miss the rational of which you had consistently enunciated the need to be rational.
The fact is why did the Selangor govt had to built these bungalows for the EXCO members if they didn't need it and that the bungalows are now occupied by their relatives, friends and guests. Isn't this a waste of public funds? Should you not agree, than we aren't rational and the rule of law and natural justice can be dumped into the garbage bin while the pilferage system remains so.
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