that everyone purported victims claimed to be exploited by someone:
1) UMNO claims the economic distribution of wealth is an uneven playing field and that the Malays had been exploited;
2) Khairy Jamaluddin claimed that the Chinese are exploiting UMNO because of their internal squabbles;
3) Klang UMNO division claimed that the opposition is exploiting Zakaria;
4) UMNOputera claimed that the media and police are exploiting the Mat Rempit;
5) Yasa Sdn Bhd claimed that Mawi World bottled water had exploited Yasa's mineral water licence;
6) UMNO Vice-president Muhyiddin Yassin said that ASLI and Dr Lim Teck Ghee exploited the GLCs figures to show that Bumis had achieved 45% Equity;
7) Many women claimed that Bomoh had exploited their body to cure them;
8) UMNO claimed that Ayah Pin had exploited the Malays;
9) Borrowers claimed that Ah Loong who lent them money without collaterals had exploited them with high interest payment when they can't repay the loans;
10) God was also angry because His name had been used whenever something fails - they said it was "Act of God"!
Let's see some other news of exploitation and the exploits:
Only me; I hadn't been exploited for my talent!
Hehehehehehe; wakakakakaka
Hehehehehehe; wakakakakaka
I saw it in the papers today the touching embrace photo of Mr & Mrs Z. If Mr Z resigns, he can always try his luck in the acting industry... specializing in tear jerkers.
You are WRONG Mave! We (your blog readers) have exploited you when we refused to let you retire in peace to write your bestselling book! We are still exploiting you because we continue to read all your great articles here for FREE!! kekekekeke .... :-)
yes you had been exploited. unknown to you i don't want you to take a hiatus from blogging because i want to see your wonderful scanned pictures which i can 'steal' to use one day. there! the secret is out! heh.
come to think of it, all of us are being exploited one way or another.
can neGOtiate with Zak a RM20million budGET for the tearjerker?
30% is RM6million -- you can reTIRE and Desi can act the cameo part of Executioner. In the lust 5 minues when I wield the sabre and offer It an an auction for the highest price after It has done Its job ("job" is nyet undefined as It has a Sirprise ending ... Someone became a Tun-y Zako at the end; in UK version, Sir-ry Jacko...
and yes, they L'VED AP-ilily after.
LOL.. Executioner eh?... Can exchange your sabre for a Mont Blanc ar?
You fellas, Helen, AM, Lucia, Desi, all very very naughty!!!
Where's the cane.....wack, wack, wack!!!!
can i exploit you to do a website on SHE and construction related defect?
See Fei, are you a SHE manager?
I do have a site for construction risk and health issues. What I actually did was to post news on project defects and construction risks.
I hate to write on safety and health issues. So, once a while when I read of project failures such as Plaza Damas, computer lab, etc, I just post those news.
But if you are interested to create a blog on SHE, I am prepared to be a member to contribute to articles. Let me know, ok?
AM's right. You've been exploited all the time. We wouldn't want to let you go when you said you wanted to stop blogging. And keep those newspaper scans coming! Free resources! LOL!
SHE=Safety and Health Executive or Selene, Hebe and Ella. :P
Howsy, exploit me, don't rape me....
SHE = Safety, Health & Environmental!!!
In harry's sustenance, at some pass‚, our inner fire goes out. It is then blow up into enthusiasm at hand an encounter with another hominoid being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner inclination
In every tom's existence, at some occasion, our inner throw goes out. It is then blow up into passion beside an be faced with with another benign being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner transport
In every tom's existence, at some occasion, our inner pep goes out. It is then bust into zeal by an face with another human being. We should all be under obligation for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner transport
In harry's life, at some occasion, our inner throw goes out. It is then burst into zeal at hand an contend with with another human being. We should all be thankful recompense those people who rekindle the inner inspiration
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