Thursday, December 28, 2006

Cobra Venom used as Charm

Kobra Yatcilik Turizmve Turizm Ltd Co denied Pak Lah had bought a RM30 mil yacht.

"The honourable prime minister of Malaysia does not absolutely have any order for the construction of a cruiser through our company," it said in the letter.

It did not say whether Ananda or Francis or Kamaladdin or even someone else had ordered the cruise. It did not say whether Pak lah had cruised to Gokova with the few of his close friends for a fishing cum luxury yachting. That's not their job and role. They have clear words to Hurriyet Daily, that their company did not absolutely contracted to sell a cruiser to a customer who is the prime minister of Malaysia.

Now, all Malaysians have the answer they had waited for so long - clear and unambiguous words from Kobra: Prime Minister of Malaysia did not himself buy the cruiser from Kobra; there is no such deal between Pak Lah and Kobra, and there is no contract of sales to a person by the name of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi recorded in Kobra's sales order. Everyone is clear?

More rantings from Rocky's Bru, Jeff Ooi, Malaysia-Today and others


Anonymous said...

Doesn't say anything much really, does it?

It's as good as no answer.

Anonymous said...

Such a lousy spin. My dear PM, it's time to sack all your spinners!