Friday, January 26, 2007

Racial Barriers in Malaysian Public Universities

"There is very little racial integration in the university. The Chinese students find it difficult to mix with us. They prefer to be with their own race. The Indians are easier to mix with. When there are class tutorials, you can see each race sticking together. We only mix with each other on assignments. Ir is also difficult for us to ask for help in our studies from the Chinese."

This is a stark revelation from Aris Shazwani Yasin, 19, Mathematics undergraduate.

Is the situation so bad now?

Is this what our Malaysian universities had become?

Is it the fault of the students?

Didn't the university vice-chancellor knows about it, and if so, what had been done?

Was it the NEP and Malay Agenda that caused the phobias?

Was it the UMNO general assembly rhetorics that caused the other races to re-group and re-aligned? I fear it is not just about racial is in fact, racial divide and re-grouping. It is something like.... grouping together to unite against the fear of security...that they might be attacked... that there exist in the universities, gangsters of a special kind who are out to crush the others to exert duress and undue influences, so as to prove their might and power, with the intention to proclaim special rights and privileges... as seen in the recent fracas in UPM.


Anonymous said...

Is this another spin to justify that comical 'Flintstones' course? I can't think of anything else.

These f@ckers are far worse than the British during the colonization. Not only these f@ckers divide the people, they screw everything else along the way.

Anonymous said...

yep sad but true. this it the start reality - no racial integration among our young in the U. (blame it on the umnoputera). and they are our future leaders. sad. sad indeed. :(

Anonymous said...

actually it's quite bad. i had the pleasure of attending a committee meeting that organised UM's lantern festival last year.
my first impression was that it was LIKE THE CHINESE SOCIETY organising the event; there were no non-chinese there.
the excuse they gave me was cos the others had 'exams','puasa', etc.
also the meeting was in english/mandarin...
i have to agree that chinese-educated students are rather snooty in their sense of racial superiority. the language barrier doesnt help.

Anonymous said...

I will reserve my view about the integration part. So call integration only happens when each side learn to respect each other. No, you can't play a one-way games, e.g. when non-muslim not eating pork in front of muslim, the muslim should also avoid consume beef in front of Indian.

And come to real/authentic culture issue, both side must learn not to CASTRATE people culture using excuses the "respect the other". E.g. Chinese should not complain the 5 times praying practice; Indian should not complain the Korban practice, while the Malay shouldn't condemn Chinese selling liquor/port; etc.

Anonymous said...

hey moo_t
it takes two to tango :D

mob1900 said...

yupe that honest opinion was a revelation. it strikes our nerves.