Friday, January 12, 2007

What goes UP won't come DOWN

When crude oil price goes up, the government cried they could not hold on to the subsidies anymore.

Price of fuel were subsequently adjusted for 4 times since Pak Lah came into power.

Now, the price of crude had drastically collapse to below $54 per barrel, and seemingly going further down. In fact, the subsidies is negative and ballooned into surplus income.

Pak Lah was quoted to have said that there was no way out during the fuel price hike.

Now? No way out, too!

Is it the government of the people, by the people, for the people?

Price of sugar is up; price of vegetable is up, toll-fees is up; assessment tax and quit rent is up; cement and steel prices are up; all the fucks are up except the salary and income of employees.

Read this: Petrol price won't be reduced?

Increase? very often.

Reason: No way out!

Read what Najib said:

Last year, we raised the retail price of petrol, diesel and LPG 3-times. These 3-increases amounted to 45 sen.

Which is better?

Raising it 3-times or only once?

Which is better? A government full of corruptors or a poor leader of government who is clean such as Nik Aziz?

Which is better? PAS-led government which imposes Islamic Law but have always proven to be fair, just and equitable?

In Kelantan, there is no differentiation between Bumis and Non-Bumis. Everyone gets a stake if they qualify. No Bumis asked for 30% free-shares in Kelantan - all are equal; and the poorest of all, is none other than, Nik Aziz himself. Non-Muslims need not wear tudung or Purda or songkok or skull-cap except if he treats it as a fashion or as a respect to others. Non-Muslims have nothing to fear on Islam in accordance to the scripted-principles professed in the Quran and in accordance with the absolute teaching of the Holy Prophet Muhammad; not the others, if it's contrary or it is addendum. The only fear is associated with Taliban-style leaders, the self-appointed gods' religious zealot directors (dictators) and the religious bigots.

Nik Aziz's son can only afford to be a teacher because he doesn't have money to do business.

Wasn't Ibrahim Badawi venturing in Victoria, Perth with Nasi Kandar chain of restaurants, catering at MAS, plus Dewina, plus Iraq oil for food...???? I don't know; ask Jeff Ooi.


Arena Green said...

What goes up must remain up because this is the only way BN politicians can continue to F the ppl of Malaysia repeatedly without the need for Viagra.

I hope PAS don't F themselves up by scaring the non-Muslims away before the next GE. They stand a good chance to cash in on the wave of displeasure agst Pak Lah's govt if they can work hand-in-hand with other oppo parties behind the scene.

Anonymous said...

If the 2004 Petronas profits of RM 35.6billion has been distributed to the poor, Malaysia would not have wealth distribution problems

See such as

Anonymous said...

Ohhh... chicken price goes down last week from 6.50RM/kilo to RM5.60/kilo.
Long live chicken!!

Anonymous said...

Eat pork ler....price so cheap now

Anonymous said...

this is truly the cartoon cabinet!! n the bodoh PM lah...
they just kill themselves before the next GE la.

Anonymous said...

Something is always down. The credibility of this government is always down.

Nowadays, I trust Borat more than any of the boleh officers. Sounded good to have Borat replacing AAB.

Anonymous said...

If you wonder who is Borat.