Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wash car with rainwater?

Dear Pak Lah,

Be honest and tell me, did you wash your car with rainwater?

Did Kamaladdin and Khairy was their cars with rainwater?

Did your ministers wash their car with rain water?

How would the Cuci Kereta boys wash car with rainwater if they had to wash 50-100 cars per day? Would they need to built reservoirs and dams in order to run a wash car business? What about those hundreds of thousands of people who stayed in flats, apartments and condominiums; where do they store rainwater? What about the wash car services at shopping complex?

Would the authority now impose a new rule that these complexes will have to built an open top reservoir for these services? Or, alternatively, the government will be installing a new pipeline of rainwater for distribution to household and commercial premises?

Dear Pak Lah, Syabas has till today only replaced 35% of the aged-leaking pipes. So, how could you be able to come up with a new rainwater-pipe system which would cost RM1 trillion to built? Another PFI?

Dear Pak Lah, the model is idealistic and can be done for one or two houses. But for hundreds of thousands of existing houses, it takes a mad PM to enact a By-law to impose such regulations. Did you consider the low cost apartments and high-rise buildings? Why don't introduce to parliament building and insists parliamentarians and ministers to comply first? Did your son now owns a factory that manufactures water tank? Oh, or is it Nori who now ventures to this new business? Did Maya Karin install such?


Anonymous said...

Hahahahaa, yet another talk first, ashamed later sessions.

Agree with you Mave, the system will not work without considering regulation and some incentive returns (e.g. properties tax rebates). Actually, the e-Government are suppose to make all this easy(collections, rebates calculation), evaporate to the thin air.

Anonymous said...

How about building more water reservoirs (especially in Selangor), instead of this stupid plan. Bodohwi.

Anonymous said...

10 years ago, Sanusi the Junid proposed planting padi on the roofs of houses. Now this Dollah the $Dollar$ wants to follow that retired idiot into guiness book of jokers

zewt said...

this is good i tell u... damn good...

Howsy said...

The moment I saw this news, I had in mind what percentage of commission Scomi and ECM Libra will get out of this cash-cow-milking scheme. The NS and uniform, remember?

Anonymous said...

Is he preparing us for pre-colonial days? With this bunch of jokers at helm, those days will arrive eventually.

Anonymous said...

It is not surprising from so-called leaders bankrupt of creative ideas except to spin more $$ and laugh all the way to the bank. They never heard of acidic rain, air pollution and probably blind to the haze from a "haze thy neighbor" country. Who cares if your car paint erodes...or if the your water tank collapses due to shoddy house's an act of God! Remember, we are in Bodohland!!