Samy Vellu, fed up of being blamed for toll increases, said that it was the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) that should be in the line of fire, not the Works Ministry.
Samy said he would no longer accept decisions on tolls without questioning the EPU "on every single detail".
"It is time ... I am going to fight them ...".
Samy Vellu said the EPU was the final decision-maker on tolls and concessions and that he had found himself the scapegoat each time any announcement on toll was made.
"My ministry is just a tool of the EPU but I cannot allow this anymore. I will question them on every single detail," Samy Vellu told opposition leader Lim Kit Siang.
"I am going to question and check everything including whether the costs of construction as claimed by the concessionaires are accurate," he said, adding that every toll hike proposal would be fully reviewed.
What? Only now you want to question and check? You mean, the Works Ministry never ever check all those years? You mean, we had been fools all these years and that they were suckers? You mean, nobody have to take the blame so far? Will EPU please stand up!!!
Semi Value can say all he wants. Who on earth is going to believe him?
Haha..so I have to change my opinion of Semi-Value. I used to think he was corrupt and incompetent. Now we know he's basically a grossly overpaid office-boy.
What???? any takers who want to believe what samy vellu said...Good luck Malaysia..
Last time the main venue for SandyGoesToWar was PWTC. Now the stage is at the Zoo.
this guy is a champion. hey, govt is so damn compassionate. if not, then govt would not have to subsidie the toll payers.
hey mr samy, who approve the toll rates in the first place? me ah and not the govt?
this guy talks from his you know where lah.
all the shit is slowly coming out...surely it is..
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