The prison authorities have planned to provide a designated area in the prison for those motorists who are tired during their long drive to Kuala Trengganu or Kota Bahru as they can now go to jail to have a nice massage or a foot reflexology session performed by ex-convicts masseurs.
The massage service was set up by the prison authorities so that prisoners could straight away depend on their massage skills as a source of income.
This service would later be offered at selected massage parlours and selected public areas which will be identified by the BN government of Trengganu.
Those who need further informations and enquires should be directed to the BN government of Trengganu or the prison authorities at Trengganu. I am not sure whether non-convicts are allowed to be part of the masseurs team or whether ex-convict woman masseurs are available.
Who would go to the jail for a massage? An out of the box thinking...but, into the drain. LOL
No, train them to be prime ministers. Any differences?
Klu la ini keluar dari mulut org PAS...what a day would it have been...
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