"They should resolve the matter among themselves instead of making a public spectacle of it. This only aggravates the situation and makes the public lose confidence in the government ...," PM Pak Lah mourned.
The PM is visibly upset over his men for having the a shouting match in the public, reports NST (page 2, Prime News, NST, April 13, 2007).
Meanwhile, the police are standing firm by their crime figures.
At the same time, Deputy Internal Security Minister Johari Baharum is also not yielding.
Johari maintained that his crime figures are correct and he justified his statement claiming that he got the figures from the police.
The police claimed that the crime index had only increased by only, only, 10.1% and snatch thefts had dropped by 36.6%.
Johari had stated that the crime index had soared by 90% and snatch thefts had increase by 693.5%.

Meanwhile, deputy IGP Mohd Najib has denied allegations that the figures were manipulated to confuse the public. "There is no cover-up, no manipulation and that there is nothing to hide."
It is observed that the figures was changed by the auditors. It would seemed that only the auditors could be able to give the public an explanation to the discrepancies and divergences.
Let's assume for the time being that the auditors figures are justifiable and correct. Afterall, they are certified and accredited auditors.
yeah man! this is really a classic joke!!!
and the big boss have to come in to calm things down. but i wonder if they 2 tai kos will flex their muscles to see who is stronger.
ZZzzzzzzz, this is what happens when the country start using figures for PR show. No solutions, no analysis, but just for the SICK of SHOWING the figures and DO NOTHING.
Who cares about the discrepancies. We want action to curb the crime rates. Niamah!!
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