At such, the only alternative is for the IFC to raise their issues with the prime minister on an ad hoc basis.
Nazri pointed out that it was a politically impractical for Muslim ministers as the IFC did not have the support of the Muslim.
Nazri gave the example of himself. "I have 70% Muslim in my constituency who are bound to register their unhappiness at the ballot box. If my constituents don't want the IFC, what can I do?"
"What can I do," Nazri asked. "Don't blame me and don't blame ministers. Blame the voters."
Nazri was right. Politicians can only hang on to power if they do what their constituents wants, irrespective of their own belief, ideology or irrespective of justice and fairness. He was right when he said: Blame the Voters.
In whatever issues, in whatever things the ministers and the MPs did, right or wrong, corrupt or clean, cronyism or nepotism, discrimination or marginalization, unfair or prejudicial, remember, it was the voters who voted them into power. We had to accept the facts. We had to accept whatever was done or will be done. We had to accept that they can do what they want, in the ways they wanted to do; it was the voters that must be blame.
In all fairness and practicality, I totally agree with Nazri. He was outright frank and brunt. He was speaking the truth, nothing but the truth. Whatever it is, the voters must accept the facts.
According to Nazri, "even if the Federal Constitutional Court is allowed to be set up, the judge will be of a certain faith and the decision would be .... (reality)
Observing Nazri's comment, it does illustrate that justice and the rule of law would still rest on practical reality. It is!
how the hell does he knows the 70% muslim in his constituency doesn't want the IFC????
as far as i know the rakyat muslim don't mind the IFC. it is certain politicians and groups/parties that made noises about the IFC and you know lah our PM is so weak... give in to them.
we have to assume that he is right.
we can't do anything unless a contemporary people with influencial power do something
You have named the caption appropriately, "Inter-No-Faith Council". The key word is, "No Faith". Nazri has struck a jackpot when (or if) he blamed the voters. Sure, the PM can always be consulted provided it is not his sleeping time. What else is refreshing about the BN government? Look at Machap by-election. In the USA, serious issues are discussed at platforms of the political divide. Here? Karaokes, promoting badminton, cooking classes..!! This is called "voters de-generation" practiced. National issues? What issues? Raising keris issue? "Oh, that's history!" AGM insulting and threatening a community? "Oh, that does not reflect the BN policy, only some individuals involved!"
Our politicians have sold their principles and integrity long time ago. This country is not ruled by principles and integrity. MCA Youth Dr Wee Ka Siong last night at Machap ceramah said in Hakka, branding Anwar as being anti-Chinese, adding, (quote) "He (referring to Anwar) can say one thing and something else now. For him (Anwar), front is okay, back is also okay."
Show how low this type of politician can stoop just to win votes. As a Chinese educated leader, I doubt Dr Wee knows what is "Tao Te? So, do we have "faith" in anything else in this country?
The Israel can always claim that the displacement of Palestinian is 'wanted' by the majority of Israelis. What can the govt do?
Mugabe can also claim what he has done was 'wanted' by the majority. What can the govt do?
Do you think our ministers even fit for cowboy town?
In the context of govt efforts to enhance unity among Malaysians of different races & religion through various programmes to promote greater integration and tolerance, how meaningful is the exercise if something like the IFC cannot even get off the ground because a senior minister has admitted that "Malays will reject it"?
Now, who is the hijacker here?
Talking about "FAITH", religious faith or faith of Malaysians to the current government leadership. Looks like we have lost faith in our "first class" infrastructure and "third class mentality". The collapse of ceilings at the Immigration Head office in PUTRAJAYA, floodings 7 floors possibly caused by "poorly installed water pipes", an excellent example of our Bolehland, happening in a government office.
We should re-coined: Third Class infrastructure and No Class Mentality"
The reality is that islam cannot stand scrutiny. Compare islam with the other two abrahimic religion and one sees islam is the one that terrorises the world and is stuck in the 7th century.What progress? What inventions? What economy? Beggars, one and all!
Despots, debauched with harems up to 500 concubines. Sheeeeesh!!!
What else can that Never Ending Plundering fed Umno ninconpoop Nazri do other than voice out that malays don't want IFC. He fears PAS participants who will shatter umno to smithereens! That's the reality.
Between 2003-2005 more than a million have left Islam in the Mid-East. Iran has 70% non practising muslims, zoroastrianism is alive and fast growing besides the Ba'hai faith. In Pakistan close to a million have left islam.
Almost 700 muslims DAILY leave islam in Africa alone.
That muslims scream islam is the fastest growing is nothing more than bullshit.
The truth is 3000 embrace Christianity in China DAILY. The West is no longer the hub of Christianity. China has around 200 million Christians. Main reason why the Vatican moved their office from Taiwan to China .
So don't bother to lie muslims. The stats and figures don't lie unlike muslims who hide behind Deceit and Taqiyyah ala their quran.
What progress?-- from camel-riding to RM30million yachts!
What inventions? -- the 'holier-than-thou' invention whereby the world is divided into muhrim and kafir
What economy? -- the alibaba type when ali gets the permit but baba does the work
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