Johari had earlier said that the crime index had risen by 90%, with snatch thefts going up by 693.5%.
Federal CID director Christopher Wan Soo Kee was reported to had said that the snatch theft had dropped by 36.6%. and crime rates had only increase by 10%.
"We should not manipulate figures and give incorrect reports," Johari adviced the police.
"I am really embarrassed and disappointed with the whole thing. They (the police) should not be questioning my figures. Information on crime must be correct although it shows weaknesses. We must be prepared to accept it and rectify the problem. As a deputy minister, I cannot be giving something that is not true to the people. We cannot sweep our weaknesses under the carpet and confuse the people with inaccurate reports."
Wow! Fantastic! I am really happy to say that in Malaysia, we now have a minister who is willing to report the truth to the people and courageous enough to expose weaknesses. Johari has now proven that he is a turncoat ever since... Could our UMNO ministers and BN ministers behave like him and be also courageous to reveal the truth instead of lying and denying?
Sounds something like Adolf Hitler scolding his Gestapo for murdering the Jews-- nothing but an elaborately-staged sandiwara to deflect the heat from his money-for-freedom stains. At the rate he is charging, would be buying a mansion in Perth soon.
showtime? police bashing time? whats the agenda behind it? shouldnt he be bashing the ACA too? ha2 do you think he dares!
The DG of ACA position is open. Do you think he is suitable for the job? Never mind that it's a civil service position. Unofficially it may pay more!
in no time, somebody somewhere will pay the papers to dig up the dirt on Johari - even if its just a simple unpaid traffic fine. that's how it goes unfortunately - you pay the price when you embarras 'the family'.
don't think johari is a turncoat but more a case of getting even with the police for the 'cash for freedom' scandal.
sandiwara to save his sorry traitorous ass....
I think Freelunch has hit the nail.
Welcome into the Voters' Blacklist. The list is getting longer with many names of "wild animals". Distribute far and wide. These animals should no longer be elected into the zoo.
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