Khazanah under the new CEO Azman Mokhtar announced a set of reasonably impressive KPI which must have extremely motivated the Prime Minister and his coterie of CEOs.
In January 2006, the new CEO of Proton Syed Zainal Abidin proclaimed that Proton would surely be turned around in ONE YEAR!. He was so confident and sure of his ability to turnaround the cancer-struck corporation.

By March 2006, Proton par laid their strategic mission and goals and issue to the public a set of the Key Performance Indices (KPI) targeted for the year.
Market share is projected to increase to 45.8% from 41.4% of 2006
Export sales will be increased to 8.6% from from 5.2% in 2006
Revenue will grow by 12.4% for FY 2007
EBIT growth will be 2.5% against 0.5% in 2006
This projections are not extremely delightful but are satisfying if it is achieved.

Finally, the Fiscal Year Performance results were out.
Revenue drop by 29%, Car sales drop 40%, EBIT goes negative, export sales was also negative growth.

Today, Khazanah announced a new set of KPI for Proton FY2008.
It's ok if it is not achievable; afterall its mere figures and was also meant to be a target to motivate ... motivate the Prime Minister only.
The message is clear, just try lah!
Kalah tak apa, gaya mesti mau!

Anyway, congratulations to Azman Mokhtar for receiving his new title Tan Sri.
Hi PM, are you ok?
Hi PM, are you ok?

Be patient! They are trying very hard.
Stop the canser before it gets out of control! Before it spreads to the other GLCs!
Cannot achieve? No problem. Just set a lower target lor. Sure can one. Just keep lowering. Keep it up...oops..keep it down!
The biggest obstacle is wanting to retain control. Beggars should not be choosers.
i agree wif u bayi, they wan to retain control not to let proposed giant auto makers like VW, Peugeot control Proton after the partnership forged. Iread from newspaper that Proton need to do something quickly to stop the bleeding because it represent our country image, wow, i guess perodua will represent us better. at least took more initiative than proton in terms of "product design" alone. After 22 years still a "baby", just feel sorry for our country.
now... this is what i called a good company review...
Hi hasilox,
Agreed with you. Keeep lowering the target and figure, 10 years or more down the road,eventurely he will hit the target and given YAB.
he ! he ! The final target achieved will be:
Market share is projected to increase to 3.5% from 3% of 201x
Export sales will be increased to 2% from from 1% in 2006
Revenue will grow by 0.01% for FY 201x
EBIT growth will be 0.05% against 0.005% in 2006
Hi all,
Correction in stated years
Hi hasilox,
Agreed with you. Keeep lowering the target and figure, 10 years or more down the road,eventurely he will hit the target and given YAB.
he ! he ! The final target achieved will be:
Market share is projected to increase to 3.5% from 3% of 201x
Export sales will be increased to 2% from from 1% in 201x
Revenue will grow by 0.01% for FY 201x
EBIT growth will be 0.05% against 0.005% in 201x
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