"We have to ensure that all races fully understand the concept of "give-and-take" and how the other communities shall help the Malays," Khairy said after opening the Beruas UMNO Youth divisional meeting.
Does anybody understand what Khairy was trying to tell us?
Is he saying, UMNO will not take any responsibility to explain though UMNO is the cause of the discord and it is up to MCA and Gerakan to go to their own community and try to explain it in such a way as to tell them that this is "Give-and-Take" - you give, they take???? It looks like UMNO, in the ideological aspect of Khairy, is all about "Take" and the component parties are held responsible to explain in their best of their ability to convince the others that UMNO Take because it helps the Malays. What about those Malays that did not have a chance to TAKE? Not all Malays are UMNO members? And not all UMNO members had a chance to take - many did not receive APs; many did not receive projects; many did not get positions in government or Putrajaya; many are still poor; and many are PAS members and KeAdiLan members... Who is going to explain to these Malays who had been sidelined and many of whom are struggling to survive? Can UMNO explain without using conspiracy theory and using the Blame-game?
He did not contest for the UMNO Youth Deputy Head seat which was almost handed down to him when many UMNO Youth Divisions were “advised” to nominate him during the 2004 party elections.
He left his job as Deputy Principal Private Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office to buy RM nine million worth of shares in a public listed pseudo investment bank wannabe.
He flaunts his wealth and influence indiscriminately. He dashed around the land gallivanting in a USD 20 million helicopter, officiating and meeting one UMNO Youth Division after another (surprisingly, the other UMNO leaders who are also Cabinet ministers don’t do that). His mother recently bought a RM five million old bungalow in Damansara Heights and tore it down so that it can be rebuilt again.
At that age, he is the most powerful 31 year old man in the country. Most of the senior aides to the Prime Minister kow-tow to him. His ‘people’ are now special function officers in most strategic ministries. He has tentacles outreached as far as he can anywhere within important decision making process in this country.
Since when it is thief's duty to rearrange houses he/she ransacked?
Presumably Samy Vellu and Kayveas have already advised their ethnic group but isn't it telling that there was a recent demonstration in PutraJaya by the Indian community on their woes?
If any group needs help, it is the Indian community and the indigenous people of Peninsular and East Malaysia.
So UMNO shitted and MCA has to wash its backside?
MCA has to wash its backside? No, MCA (and Gerakan, MIC, etc) have to take turns to lick its backside clean
Ah MCA, MIC etc. Their duty is to wash up after UMNO, especially UMNO youth has shit on the floor.
Pardon my bad language.
MCA/MIC will forever pick up UMNO's shit. that's why you see they stink like hell. and why do so many chinese/indians still want to smell their backside?
i ask no pardon for my bad language. :)
"give and take spirit together". holly molly, " together we suck the country dry, is more like it". the PKA shit has hit the fan now and all and sundry knows who are the theives behind this fiasco. UMNO and MCA politicians? no? please check it out yourself.
So, who give and who take ? Konfuse la :-(
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