Though they may not be able to catch thieves or sex maniacs, they at least had done something along along those lines. The IGP had taken action against 3 senior police officer. One senior officer was sack for marrying another wife without getting permission and approval from his superior. Another was demoted for marrying again without permission though he is a divorcee.
"They got married overseas and didn't even inform their commanders," Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi made this announcement.
"They can't simply marry anyone, not even if they feel they were made for each other," IGP Musa Hassan said.
"This move will serve as a lesson to other police officers," Musa Hassan added.
You see, the PM and IGP are doing what they could. Though they couldn't catch thieves or rapist or murderers. at least, they acted. They are doing something, not nothing. And PM and IGP promised that they will catch the murderer of Nurin at Kampung Baru. I don't know how they are so sure that the man is from Kampung Baru, but at least, they will arrest someone, to fulfill the obligation.

In fact, the police will also be investigating Nurin's parents for negligence.
The NST reported today that, Nurin's father, Jazimin Abdul Jalil and Norazian Bistaman, Nurin's mother, may face charges under the Child Protection Act if investigations show that their negligence had contributed to Nurin's death.
"The search for Nurin is over and now we will focus on catching the killer and see if the parents had been negligent in looking after her safety," said Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan."This is a two-pronged investigation.
"Asked if Nurin's parents could be the first to be charged under the legislation, IGP said:
"Police would first need to establish if there was evidence of negligence. If there are, we will make recommendations to the Attorney-General's Chambers." Musa said while there was a provision under the law to charge negligent parents, it had never been used.
"It is high time for parents to be more responsible for their children's safety," he said after briefing Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the Police Commission on efforts to enhance the force.
You see, they are taking actions, not doing nothing, ok!
In fact PM said he viewed the Lingham video clip seriously and if there is no proof that the video is true, then the government would promptly take actions against the whistleblower and those who brought that video to his attention.
"This video clip bears a story that can harm the good name of the judiciary system. We cannot take it lightly."
PM didn't say anything about his stand should the video be authentic. I think he had already presumed that the video cannot be true. To the PM, and also to us, surely, it can't be true.... should it be true, it was still a monologue and impossible to factually proof that the other person on the telephone is CJ. There is no factual evidence at all. We just can't be 100% sure. 90% isn't good enough. This is not fair to the CJ. He must be given the benefit of doubt.
Lets be assured that, something had been done, and someone will be taken-in for investigation and possibly indictment. At least something was done.... ok!!!!
Sorting out internal problems is not a direct KPI of performance. It is a given, a must.
If you tell customers that we are having problems internally and sorting out our system, we are still not giving the customers the results that want. At best we can buy a little time from sympathetic customers but results are still mandatory. The customers don't want to be further burdened with our internal problems. They want solutions.
So it is with citizens of Malaysia. We pay taxes and we elect the MPs and states assemblymen. We want results, not excuses and perpetual assurances that never yield results.
If the Police want to sort out their problems, get them to implement the IPCMC quickly and at least with this the public would be more sympathetic.
To gauge the true feelings of the public, the authorities should conduct a public survey to see what level of confidence we have in our Police now.
No words or assurances or sackings of police who take second wives will ever bring any consolation to the parents of Nurin or instil confidence in our police. In taking action against police officers who have taken a second wife and wanting to use this as a yardstick for measuring performance, it is like having the constables hide behind the bushes to catch a few motorbikes flouting minor regulations and hoping that such actions are comparable to solving cases involving major crimes catching the attention of the nation.
We are not easily fooled and the elections are coming.
Isn't the Judiciary's reputation paramount above anything else? If by occupying that office, you cast a doubt to the public as to your integrity, i think we do not need a proven case to ask the CJ to resign.
This does not even need the investigation to proof his guilt, by dragging the country in this incident is already doing harm to the country. In UK and Japan for example, many MPs have resigned for tainting the image of the country and not necessarily charged before they vacate the seat.
So, Mr CJ, can you do the honorable and resign? Why can't Malaysians be less gila kuasa?
How can we have confidence in the judiciary and the police again?
It's not a question for us to answer. It's for the judiciary and the police to answer. And right now, I don't think they care a d*mn.
What about the PM? He wants to believe that there isn't sufficient proof of a misdoing and does not want a royal commission to investigate lest he be proved wrong.
What a country, what a government!
why want to charge the parents for negligence? if that's the case, the police themselves should be charged too for failing to do their duties!! nurin had been missing for one month and there was no lead/news at all from the police. what were the police doing??
what shit is this? sacked for not getting permission to get marry and the PM mae a great deal out of it.
just wondering if these 3 police are victimised cause they are in in the wrong camp (like those alledgedly to be working against the top cop).
anyway, the credibility of the cops, ACA and judiciary has gone to the dogs. and the sleepy head still thinks everything is ok.
Unfair screamer said..
Policemens were good. They intend to get Nurin's parents in jail, then catch the murderer and put him in jail..
So, both the parents and murderer can meet in jail and solve the problem on their own..good good
I agree with you. They can't treat the public fools.
Msiaman, no one resigns in Malaysia. The public pays the price. The Citizen's choice.
Bayi, you concluded it right - "What a Country; What a Government."
Lucia, you pointed out right - the police was slow to respond to the report made. It took them 4 weeks.
Anonymous, Thanks for your comments. But I would appreciate that you would use a moniker or a nickname.
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