The solution: Parents would be indicted for a criminal offence if their actions leads to their children being harm. That is to say, if parent are found negligent or reckless in ways that could have allowed the children to stray to someplace, or accidentally left the child somewhere while shopping, and a rouge came and take the child away or hurt her, then our justice system is to sent the parent to jail.
What a "GREAT" solution! How intelligent! That's our parliamentarian and that's our Minister. That's their mentality.
The prime minister's wife, Jeanne called on parents to love their children dearly because there is no telling what could happen next. "Parent should treasure their children and pray that crimes against them would stop," said Jeanne.
It is a GREAT piece of advice. We parents in Malaysia must love our children, and more important, love them dearly, for there is no telling what will happen to them, of which we may then no more be able to love them dearly. Great advice! Great intelligent and great leadership! Let's pray, and lets pray hard! It is only fair we pray hard, because it is observed now that we could not depend on our security and safety system for protection.

You would surely see some form of investigation and indictment. We can be assured that, at least, the person who secretly video-ed it and distribute it could be indicted for a criminal offence. What will be more wrong and elemental is the fact that the guy who video-ed this conversation did not seek permission to do so and at such had commited an act that violates the rights and freedom of another which is an act against the Human Rights Convention.
System of Justice .... ya, ya, ya, Theory of Relativity must apply. Justice is about who should be punished for what the person who controls the law said so. Fairness is about who is saying the word in the interest of who. Reasonableness is objective; it's which majority thinks what is reasonable, would make it fair. Equity and legal principles? Oh, we intend to repeal the common law and the rules of equity provided under s.3 of the Civil Law Act 1956 and replace it with a new modern Malaysian Common Law based on our Justice System.
System of Justice .... ya, ya, ya, Theory of Relativity must apply. Justice is about who should be punished for what the person who controls the law said so. Fairness is about who is saying the word in the interest of who. Reasonableness is objective; it's which majority thinks what is reasonable, would make it fair. Equity and legal principles? Oh, we intend to repeal the common law and the rules of equity provided under s.3 of the Civil Law Act 1956 and replace it with a new modern Malaysian Common Law based on our Justice System.
what could we expect from shalizard, everything she say or do till now - stinks.
as for that jeans - huh?
"no criminal offence seen" says guni pakai - what the f**k, malaysian stupid or what
Stupid! Sharizat! Idiot! Imagine a person got robbed, you hailed the victim? Damn idiot~! Stupid damn Sharizat! Making Malaysia worse! Idiot!
PM Office + Police + AG Office + CJ Office + VTan = ringgit printing factory
Stupid! Sharizat! Idiot! Imagine a person got robbed, you *jailed the victim? Damn idiot~! Stupid damn Sharizat! Making Malaysia worse! Idiot!
hellooo garblement mp, yang bocor, yang bodoh & the rest yang whatever - very quiet?
sudah pi mampus mana?
Ya ya just blame the parents.
Biasalah, it's the pointing finger game again.
justice, my foot.
what a shit brilliant idea putting more onus on the parents and shift the responsibility away from the cops. for whose benefit? so that the cops will have more time to do the bidding of the government such as posting gestapos to watch Anwar?
and the judiciary? thats the last place to seek justice since the highest position has already been compromised.
you guys, including foreign investors and bloggers, pray hard if you get into any legal entanglements with the well connected coz the laws will be twisted in whichever way as they deem fit. the judges are there to more importantly serve their interest.
this buffoon AG is more intend to collude with the CJ to replace the common law with syariah law. wonder whether this exercise is an attempt to cleanse their soul which long ago has been sold to the highest bidder. in fact, such characters are a disgrace to the religion they tried to impose unto others.
What Malaysian Common Law? More likely Kampung Jungle Law where the murderer and rapist of Nurin will never ever be brought to justice because that law requires 4 reputable witnesses to her rape nad murder!
The Malaysian solution is always the finger pointing and shifting blame position.
This 'lingam-cj' scandal thing sound like sicilian mafioso at work - who gets to be the godfather, the henchmen, the butchers...
malaysia boleeeeehhhhhh ! happy 50th merdeka!!!
We do not depend our politicians for a change in the scene of our country. They are just good at debating in parliament. When carrying out policies are concerned, they are all dirts. I have long lost hope in our country's politicians. You don have to execute Nurin's perpetretor only, but that will includes all our politicians who take bribe and talk crap. Can't imagine how our politicians can have a peaceful sleep at night. I do not refer to all politicians though there may still be a small number of true politicians who are there to help (maybe 3-5%). Nevertheless, most of them are all award-winning actors and actresses.
Wow! What an angry bunch of people here. I think parents/guardians should also be accountable for the safety of their children. It's negligent to let your young child leave home without any company. I feel sorry for the family and their loss but we don't live in Pleasantville where there is no evil. I don't think it's a case of pointing fingers but Malaysians should join the rest of the world where neglecting your children is a crime.
I'm very tired but I can't sleep. Everytime I close my eyes I think of what happened to the girl and tears just come. If it saddens me so, and I'm unrelated to her, I can't imagine the hell her parents are in, the grief and anguish. They are already being punished from the consequence of their oversight. Indict the parents?? How cruel.
If the rationale is make a point to parents to be watchful over their kids, hasn't Nurin's fate shocked the complacency out of all easygoing, naive parents? Parents will behave more responsibly NOT because they are scared of the law and how it will punish them, but because they realise what happened to kids like Nurin can happen to their own.
I can't help but see a similar mindset of blaming the victim when a rape happens. Blame the victim, because she dressed sexily/chose to walk outside alone at night (how negligent). In this case, blame the mother because she should have known better (well now she knows, and we all know). When I was a child, my parents were overprotective. I was locked up in the house everytime they went out. Still, all this didn't prevent a pervert from touching me and flashing himself in the public library where my parents thought it was ok to not have to watch over me 24/7. The real criminal is the person who commits the act on the child. Parents do what they can in their best judgement. Sometimes judgement fails them and they pay the price dearly. Court-meted punishment is nothing compared to the lifetime guilt and regret over the brutal death of one's flesh and blood; perhaps it -indictment of the parents- would only serve to satisfy the outraged, helpless onlooker public that something righteous has been done. I'm going back to bed now.
i am sick to my stomach reading the news of nurin..like you, i have written a posting in my blog about it but it is no consolation and thoughts of what the poor little girl underwent kept playing in my mind. it matters not whether the child is nurin or another poor girl, the crime is hineous beyond words
What's next for Shahrizat? People who are robbed will be charged for negligence and failure to stop that robbery?
The problem with bolehland is that there are simply too many victims. Get rid of all the victims then crimes will automatically disappear!
In stupid gov we trust! :P
if you go and report someone disturbing you with calls and stalks your family member, they will tell you that you should change your phone and move to another house. Criminal Intimidation? I think the few that came out on papers are from outside Klang Valley. Here, no chance for Police are for government and the rich only. You will be glad to know you were not charged like Nurin's parents. That's the sorry state our country have come to.
1. When the child is missing, blame the parents.
2. When the house is robbed, blame the owner!
3. When a girl is raped, blame the victim!
Where is this logic going to lead us?
Like this, we don't need the police lah!
Bodoh punya MP cakap macam ini.
“I am disappointed. The video was released with the aim of getting the people angry with the country’s judiciary system.”
couldn't comprehend this statement came from bodowi.
guess... not only he sleep through everything but his iq is as high as his knee cap.
hat off to all the parents that voted for her... vote foolishly and this is sh*thead you get.
and mind you, there are lots of such rubbish in this farklah administration.
Unfair Screamer,
What the suck of the MP. If I got chances to talk, I will spit to their face and ask them eat shit. Really useless sucker of the MP, bully the kinds and keep excuses for themselves, minta puji to show malaysians how "hard" they work.
Let dogs fcuk you la MP, u are nothing than an animal.
Devils will come from hell to look for the murderer, steal his eyes, nose, and every part of his body. Let him suffer for the rest of his life.
Can the public afford the AG's carte blanche to attempt to prove that he's indeed acted fairly & reasonably in any way he chooses?- Mmudahlupa
Thank you, every Commenters. This is by far the most comments ever made in my blog.
Thanks, Helen, AnakMalaysia, JustNoRegrets, Ms J, Hasilox, Msiaman, Bayi, Shah_Lizards, and all the anonymous.
However, I do appreciate those who sign-in as Anonymous to use a moniker or Nickname at the end of their comments so that I could identify them and thank them.
Thanks Shahrizat,
I sincerely hope that she is not going to chain her children like dogs, when she goes for shopping etc.
In everyone's sustenance, at some occasion, our inner foment goes out. It is then break asunder into passion beside an be faced with with another human being. We should all be glad quest of those people who rekindle the inner transport
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