Friday, November 09, 2007

Fallacious Claim

At the UMNO general assembly, Penang delegate Musa Sheikh Kadir said UMNO had sacrifice a lot, and it is often forgotten that UMNO is the party that make sure the country obtained independence. I think he should go watch the video by Fahmi Reza at YouTube and also here.

Musa further said that "We practice power-sharing and we determine their fate." Whose fate? Could they (whoever they are) determine our fate? The constitution was drafted by the Alliance party and from it was the agreement which we call 'Social Contract'. Without the Alliance as a whole, the British would not have granted Independence. The Malay Peninsula surrendered its sovereignty to the British through no fault of all others. Why blame the others? It's history. From there on till 1957, the people of the nation agreed to form an Alliance and thereon seek independence from the supreme occupier and controller. At such, from 1957, what was agreed was the social convention and the constitution. Power-sharing was part of the social contract terms and conditions by which the British agreed upon before granting us the independence. Even that did not determine any individuals fate. Each individual determines their own fate and decides what they want. These UMNO members, sons of past leaders and aspiring for positions thinks that they could change the social convention and rewrite it in any terms and conditions as they deem please.


Anonymous said...

just like khairy, problem with these bunch of umno spoilt brats/fucked-up monkeys who has never work a single day in their life and too lazy to contribute anything to the country...

habitually think is their fucking birth right to demand this & that...

their demands, actions & verbal abuses has put the king, country & other malaysians lives in jeopardy.

its high time they owns up & be make responsible for their threatening words & actions on others

Anonymous said...

birds of a feather,

all gets mental orgasm or emotionally aroused each time one of these morons hurled abuses or threatened others...

sometime one feels sorry for these umno morons primitive behaviour

chong y l said...

mave: These UMNO morons, or "menaces"as conferred by George Soros, live in perpetual fallacy or fantatsy. U no why?
They have always been acting out sandiwara on the annual PWTC4 Stage.

Jefus said...

"These UMNO members, sons of past leaders and aspiring for positions thinks that they could change the social convention and rewrite it in any terms and conditions as they deem please."

they have and they did,....

"According to constitutional scholar Shad Saleem Faruqi, the Constitution has been amended 42 times over the 48 years since independence as of 2005. However, as several amendments were made each time, he estimates the true number of individual amendments is around 650. He has stated that "there is no doubt" that "the spirit of the original document has been diluted".[1] This sentiment has been echoed by other legal scholars, who argue that important parts of the original Constitution, such as jus soli (right of birth) citizenship, a limitation on the variation of the number of electors in constituencies, and Parliamentary control of emergency powers have been so modified or altered by amendments that "the present Federal Constitution bears only a superficial resemblance to its original model".[2] It has been estimated that between 1957 and 2003, "almost thirty articles have been added and repealed" as a consequence of the frequent amendments.[3]"

the link:

thats why you shouldn't pass the chance to vote. your rights are slowly being taken/reshaped from what you assumed.

Maverick SM said...

Hi Jefus,

Thanks for a name I can address you.

Your points are profound. The constitutional changes can be necessary to evolve with social reality but should never affects the fundamental rights of individuals, especially those that affects the individual rights and liberties which are individuated; example: the right to religion, equality and fairness under the law, justice under the rule of law.

Anonymous said...

41/2 hrs to go,

10eleven - birth of a new malaysia with a free, fair & clean goverment to replaced the idly badawi regime.

Jefus said...

its repecting each other's rights as enshrined in the constitution, not percieved/imagined sacrifices

and rights cannot be moved like shifting sands at the whim of every new wave. it should be enshrined on solid rock.

Anonymous said...

//10eleven - birth of a new malaysia with a free, fair & clean goverment to replace the idly badawi regime//

I wouldn't bet on it. To have a free, fair & clean goverment, you first need to dump BN at the polls, so that the new legistrature in parliament can amend the biased electoral laws. If we can't even deny BN a 2/3 majority after so 50 years, how to dump BN now?

Anonymous said...

//10eleven - birth of a new malaysia with a free, fair & clean goverment to replace the idly badawi regime//

I wouldn't bet on it. To have a free, fair & clean goverment, you first need to dump BN at the polls, so that the new legistrature in parliament can amend the biased electoral laws. If we can't even deny BN a 2/3 majority after 50 years, how to dump BN now?

Maverick SM said...

Hi Anonymous and Jefus,

While it's idealistic to believe that dumping one government for another will clean up the government, let's look at some examples: Thailand elected Thanksin and then dump him for reasons of corruption. Taiwan Chen Shui Bian was elected and is under pressure for the same reason. Phillipines has Aroyyo and there is now claim that her govt is corrupt. Pakistan is also facing a crisis.

The hypothesis is: will removing the current govt ensure a fairer and clean govt? It's a hope but it rest as a hope.

Our concern is not that BN is corrupt; even if PKR or PAS rules, will it have significant improvement? You have to answer for yourself.

For me, my concern is that the kleptocratic system was developed over the last 35 years since May 1969. That's because at that time there was a real need to improve on the living standards of the Malays as a whole. The NEP was an affirmative plan to correct the imbalance. Over the years, it was abused and used as a tool to grab wealth and enrich a small segment of Malays and leave the vast majority of Malays pretty the same. At the same time, the plights of the Malays were largely blamed on the Chinese to camouflage the corruptors who are within the system administrators. Unfortunately, the masses of the Malays believed in it because at each UMNO general assembly rhetorics were sprayed to hookwink the masses and indoctrinate them. Somehow, a lie becomes the truth. To correct the nation's dilemma, this lie must be exposed and the people must come to know the truth. The sad truth is that the Malays still harbors suspicion. That's what is the dilemma and will continue so until the nation is bankrupted before the truth will prevail. We had to wait for that day.

Jefus said...

"That's what is the dilemma and will continue so until the nation is bankrupted before the truth will prevail. We had to wait for that day."

I agree with you. My grudge is the mechanisations of government have been bent to suite their cause, and the rest of us used as bogeymen.

"Other" Malaysians have little avenues to express themselves. Agreed our neighbors have gone down this road, with little progress. I'd rather think of it as a awakening of the the democratic process and the spirit Malaysia was born with.

Where it goes from here, the players will decide. I / (we?) can only hope.