Police were used to effectively shut down the city centre to try to foil a rally by BERSIH who is organizing a rally to submit a memorandum to the King demanding fair and clean electoral system.
Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who oversees the police, said the government could not tolerate street demonstrations as this is a test of his patience.
"They are challenging the patience of the people who want the country to be peaceful and stable. That is what they are challenging, not me," he said at his ruling party meeting.
BERSIH, a loose coalition of 26 opposition parties and non-governmental organizations are demanding electoral reforms which heavily tilted to favor ruling coalition.
"The government has abdicated its responsibility to safeguard the democratic institutions of the nation," Anwar said.
There are just so many blogs posting about it. You can visit here, here, here, and here
Democracy is dead? Demo-Crazy has begun? Malaysia is now analogous to Pakistan? Sad!!!!!
Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who oversees the police, said the government could not tolerate street demonstrations as this is a test of his patience.
"They are challenging the patience of the people who want the country to be peaceful and stable. That is what they are challenging, not me," he said at his ruling party meeting.
BERSIH, a loose coalition of 26 opposition parties and non-governmental organizations are demanding electoral reforms which heavily tilted to favor ruling coalition.
"The government has abdicated its responsibility to safeguard the democratic institutions of the nation," Anwar said.
There are just so many blogs posting about it. You can visit here, here, here, and here
Democracy is dead? Demo-Crazy has begun? Malaysia is now analogous to Pakistan? Sad!!!!!
Malaysia is now analogous to Pakistan AND its Iman Hadari is now analogous to Osama bin Sembilan-Sebelas!
What a great day for democracy, freedom and rights of the people 10 Nov. 2007 was.
The valiant Malaysian people defiantly expressed their disgust regarding the make believe democracy in Malaysia.
Election fraud must stop.
The BN charade has gone on much too long, enough is enough!
Voters need to turn out in full force at the next general election in order to give all BN component parties a hard slap in the face, by not voting for them.
The fantastic turn out of well over 50,000 yesterday was commendable, especially since many blogs were blocked, defaced or hacked, and government controlled tv, radio and print media, gave out false propaganda, misinformation and lied by announcing that the gathering had been cancelled.
Police set up road blocks and intimidating checks, illegally forced the diversion and detention of many buses loads of citizens, caused unnecessary massive traffic jams all around KL.
Despite all this fascist authoritarian bullying, the Malaysia people, to their great credit, demonstrated a wonderful example of peaceful people power.
People should not be afraid of their governments.
Governments should be afraid of their people.
V for Victory!!!
"They are challenging the patience of the people who want the country to be peaceful and stable. That is what they are challenging, not me," Badawi.
What they are challenging is the rakyat's ability to tolerate bullshit. And our tolerance level have reached its maximum capacity.
I'm glad that the 1st time I'm gona vote for this country so-called democracy, they are making it too easy for me to reach a decision.
heard the telephone interview of zam on aljazeera...
what an incompetence fool but at least one thing he got it right - drawing parallels of the current administration with those in pakistan & myanmar
In all honesty our PM got one thing right on challenging the patience of the rakyat.
Not the yellow men though.... the keris gang..
The headline "Don't drag the king into this", my question is WHY NOT? King is part of the country, right? Without a country where is he going to place his throne?
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