UNMO general assembly will be underway. TheStar had a poser: "Hard Truths for Malays".
Will it be half-truth or hard truth? Mahathir cried profusely declaring that his 22-years of leadership had failed to change the Malays. Now, we have a new PM who is also singing the same old tune - "be prepared for a more competitive culture." Will it be any different? Could UMNO be able to change its mindset? Alas, talk is cheap! It's not that the Malays aren't competitive or impotent. Many Malays are as capable as anybody; it's UMNO who preferred to be uncompetitive as in the words of Michael Backman, "they intend on an orgy of plunders".
If being lazy can make you ultra rich, why do you want to work hard? It's just common sense.
Will it be half-truth or hard truth? Mahathir cried profusely declaring that his 22-years of leadership had failed to change the Malays. Now, we have a new PM who is also singing the same old tune - "be prepared for a more competitive culture." Will it be any different? Could UMNO be able to change its mindset? Alas, talk is cheap! It's not that the Malays aren't competitive or impotent. Many Malays are as capable as anybody; it's UMNO who preferred to be uncompetitive as in the words of Michael Backman, "they intend on an orgy of plunders".
If being lazy can make you ultra rich, why do you want to work hard? It's just common sense.
Melayu mudah lupa,.....
You have to admit that the ordinary delegates have to put up with the same "ancient antics" and the same hypocritical rhetorics, year in and year out for the past umpteem decades. Glocal, reach for the stars, same treatment for everybody, nobody marginalised etc and the usual bullshit (just before a general elections). Check the archives of newspapers and you will see the same type of crap spewing from different generations. Except ONE difference! The new generation IS WORSE off than the previous one!! Hence, in mandarin, "Ek Tai Pu Rut Ek Tai". Nothing spectacular, or inspirational, same antics of Malay rights, fighting till last blood etc. If this earth is to explode, I like to see how th hell they are going to fight. Reaching for the stars? They are lucky to reach the top of the coconut tree!!
Don No Key
I will take that as a hint!
A hint that the gahmen will abolish lots of subsidiaries to the rural and they are not going to replace with incentive. More plundering will happens, and the rural people are on their own.
Well said...
Complacency will happened to any1 or any race.
looking at the bright side, if the malays has all the attitude of the other race...where would we be now?
I don't know, those words are spoken as if it is meant for the other Malays and not them or the party.
But then they are not just ordinary Malays, they're the 'special class.'
They're a class by their own.
Your short article says it all.
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