oops! The New Istana is now $650 million instead of $400 million, and will still be upped!
Samy dismissed claim that it will reach $1 billion.
The additional cost is incurred for extra quarters for palace workers, security system and underground car park.
But this project is design and built (PWD BL/T Contract).
How is it that these components were not included in the design at the tendering stage and had become extras? Was someone negligent?

The fundamental objective of design-built-turnkey-lump sum contract is to transfer all the risks to the contractor who is expected to price-in all the expectations in accordance with the Need Statement. So, it's either the Need Statement which is issued by JKR had not considered adequately the need for workers quarters and car parks, or that the contractor's design team had failed to take into consideration the needs as stated. Either way, negligent is the conclusion.
What is this Maya Maju Sdn Bhd? Unheard of. Is this a mosquito company? Crony company? WHo is behind it?
Anybody can enlighten us?
Its real name is Maya Tipu Sdn Bhd and of course it's a crony/NEPotism company with a paid-up capital of RM2.00 or 5,550 rupiah (We can all be millionrupiahaires in Indonesia now because RM361 is equal to 1,001,775 rupiah)
and now this...
knowing that tens of thousand of malaysians still living in squatters...
and harbouring fears the authorities will just pull down their squalid dwellings without even batting an eyelid or shows any remorse.
if i may, i detected a link here with the recent events particularly the Royalty accepting the BERSIH's recommendation and non extension of CJ nyanyok. now they put up this palace fees thing and bait the rakyat to kick a fuss so that later they can tell the Agong 'see, they want you to help but then they deny you your palace'. hmmm....what better way of turning a new found relationship against each other. but we all know the truth ain't it...that semi-value has lapped up all the $$ for istana negara to pay for his hairdo. that terrible looking hairdo...*bbbrrrrr*...
RM250 million extra. at least they ahve to earn it. more than RM250 million was given for cancelaltion of a bridge. better profits than undertaking the project.
governemnt cannot afford to provide anymore subsidies. according to samy the king, if the toll increase schedule on Jnuary 1, is deferred, the governemt will have to fork out compensation of RM380 million which it can ill afford. but, the government can throw away millions.
better not talk some more coz they may throw the OSA or sedition Act on all and sundry. who wants to follow utayakumar?
You may want to read this:
this is when i think the Agong should step in and do something.
The Gomen apprently have a spending and planning problem...just like moi.
Only diff is that at least I know I have a problem and not in denial.
Are we having a new istana? Why? For what???
The jokers are either awfully incompetent or criminaly dishonest.
Any top-down architectural design process would have, along the way, generated sub-systems such as employee quarters, security and car parking. The costing would simply be a by-product of the design process.
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