Friday, November 23, 2007

Pak Lah Flat Tyred!

Pak Lah had a flat tyre in Singapore! Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar was mad.

To show his disgust, Syed Hamid instructed Wisma Putra to ensure that such kind of incident don't happen in Malaysia when Singapore's PM visit Malaysia.

So, this is a big issue.

But Syed, do you remember those journalists who came to Malaysia for the Islamic summit who were stop by traffic police looking for kopi-O?


Anonymous said...

come on lar, stop whining like a spoilt brat...

when everyday tens of thousands malaysian have to rely on the blardy unreliable local transportation

Anonymous said...

Bad omen for Abdullah in GE 12 ???

Anonymous said...

IMHO, Harry ppl might have did it on purpose.

Because the flat tyre show that Singapore "anti-terrorist" plan are on jeopardy. Terrorist can make a plan to strike should Singapore held another world summit : flat tyres will force the attendee walk down from the vehicle and expose to the snipper.

Anonymous said...

only a flat tire? i thought the driver would have fallen asleep while driving also. why not? puk blah also sleeping on his job what...:D~

Anonymous said...

must buy 4D lah! it is quite difficult to get a flat tyre in cities like KL & Singapore.

Helen said...

Yeah, I agree with others. What's there to it? Big deal.

At least it wasn't a Perdana.. :-P

constant drama said...

Flat tyre?

Earth shattering. I'm sure.