More than 2,007 years ago, they said you are a God of the Jews. Then, when Jesus came, He said you are also a God of the Gentiles and the Pagans. A few hundred years later, after Jesus died, they said you are a God of the Arabs and we had to be Muslims. Then, many hundred years later, another said we had to accept your most recent and the last prophet that is Bahaullah.
Now in 2007, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said that God is Brazilian because the massive oil reserves discovered offshore of Brazil is proof to mankind that God is indeed Brazilian.
What will happen if China also discover another massive oil reserve at the Yangtze Xiang river? Would God become Chinese? Or, is God multi-racial?
Dear God,
You are confusing us because you won't tell us all these until we had died but after we had died we can't tell the living because they won't believe us ghosts except in the movies.
And God, there is one man in India who said it was Your Will that he had to marry his daughter. How would we know, my God? What will happen if another man claimed it was Your Will too that he married his father or mother? How can we know it was Your Will?
Dear God, please help us as too many people are confusing us about You and they all claim to know You more than anything; worst off, they claim we must behave in a certain way, perform certain rituals, dressed in a certain customary costumes, and must convert ourselves to a specified religion in order to go to heaven someday.
Oh God, please reveal to us the truth and enlightened us. By the way, dear God, please also tell us whether you did actually create a place call HELL for some of our ministers' future homestead.
Yours' faithfully and sincerely,
Confused Maverick.
(I don't think God needs my I.D. number or email address. I should received the reply in a dream)
Dear God, please help us as too many people are confusing us about You and they all claim to know You more than anything; worst off, they claim we must behave in a certain way, perform certain rituals, dressed in a certain customary costumes, and must convert ourselves to a specified religion in order to go to heaven someday.
Oh God, please reveal to us the truth and enlightened us. By the way, dear God, please also tell us whether you did actually create a place call HELL for some of our ministers' future homestead.
Yours' faithfully and sincerely,
Confused Maverick.
(I don't think God needs my I.D. number or email address. I should received the reply in a dream)
You'll know if it's the will of God. Go refer to His Word. The living scripture He left for us to know Him and His mind. If whatever is claimed of God and it's not in harmony with scripture then it cannot be the will of God. It will be scriptural to say that it's anti-God.
Go refer to His Word:
But His Word was written by man, not by HIM
"Go refer to His Word:
But His Word was written by man,
not by HIM"
So, come back to a round one. Who should we believe??
"Oh God, please reveal to us the truth and enlightened us". Yes, may be I'll receive the reply in my dream also.
The Meaning of God
There is an indefinable mysterious Power that pervades everything.
I feel It, though I do not see It.
It is this unseen Power which makes Itself felt and yet defies all proof,
because It is so unlike all that I perceive through my senses.
It transcends the senses....
That informing Power or Spirit is God....
For I can see that in the midst of death life persists, in the midst of untruth, truth persists, in the midst of darkness light persists.
Hence I gather that God is Life, Truth, Light. He is love.
He is supreme good.
But he is no God who merely satisfies the intellect
If He ever does.
God to be God must rule the heart and transform it.
~ Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
(Young India, October 11, 1928)
When The good Lord turns on the light
An elderly couple go to their doctor for a checkup. The man goes in first. "How're you doing?" asks the doctor. "Pretty good," answers the old man. "I'm eating well, and I'm still in control of my bowels and bladder. In fact, when I get up at night to pee, the good Lord turns the light on for me."
The doctor decides not to comment on that last statement, and goes into the next room to check on the man's wife. "How're you feeling?" he asks. "I'm doing well," answers the old woman. "I still have lots of energy and I'm not feeling any pain." The doctor says, "That's nice. It sounds like you and your husband are both doing well.
One thing though - your husband said that when he gets up to pee at night, the good Lord turns the light on for him. Do you have any idea what he means?" "Oh No," says the woman, "He's peeing in the refrigerator again."
Consider the following scenario:
A girl was about to be gang-raped by a group of men. A good Samaritan saw this and managed to fight them off and save the girl from being raped. God, who is omnipresent, must also be there, could have prevented the act easily since he is omnipotent. But he didn't. (Don't tell me that God sent the Samaritan, or else there won't be any rape cases in this world since he would send his agents to save all.)
Who should you worship? God, or the good Samaritan?
According to Occam's razor, the simplest hypothesis to explain the existence of God is there is no god.
'the name of god is peace.'
god's word was written by men all right but 'it was written by men, inspired by god'.
God did created HELL. 7 circles of it. The last and highest one is of course for politicians, aaaalll of them. Not just for Malaysian ones.
The 1st layer of Hell, is interestingly on Earth. Its called 'Term Finals'. Pure, evil and toturous Hell.
GOD only spoke 10 sentences.
The rest are written by men.
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