Question in the survey: What is the financial situation of your family?
(a) They have more than what they need to make ends meet: 14% Malays, 12% Chinese, 16% Indians
(b) They can make ends meet: 74% Malays, 51% Chinese 49% Indians.
(c) They occasionally struggled to make ends meet: 10% Malays, 26% Chinese, 29% Indians.
(d) Struggling to make ends meet: 2% Malays, 10% Chinese, 6% Indians.
Overall, confidence in Pak Lah and the govt remains strong...
Source: NST Prime News page 7, November 25, 2007.
In real world, there is lies, more lies and government statistics. ;)
hmm...such a good life bolehlanders have. It's time for another few rounds of prices increase i think. Lets start the balls rolling, BNputras are hungry!
what is the sample demographics? where when was it taken? how many people and what pay range?
it doesn't say much
a. mp that have more than enough to last for next generation : umno-50%, mca-50%, mic-50%
b. mp that have more than enough to last for 5 or more generations : umno-50%, mca-50&, & mic-samy velu
Have we missed the picture ? - the non Malays seem to have to struggle, and yet they are said to be the people who dominate the economy ? Who actually is finding LIFE easier in the figures above ???
impressive and with some of them having multiple households/wives, they must be 2x, 3x or even 4x better off than the non malays.
but just like linus ( from peanuts ) with his security blanket, still hanging on to the nep...
What is a good lie?
When the government-related bodies use statistics to skew data their way to fool the masses.
Only 1,024 respondents out of some 11 million voters (sampling) speaks for itself. There is no need to comment further whether the survey is representative of the voters' population.
donk the Key
The survey is pure unadulterated bullshit.
Did they disclose how many people took part in the survey?
I mean apart from the UMXO, MCA and MIC members...
This Merdeka Center is no standard at all since their sample volume is too low.
You may treat their survey results as... JOKES :-))
tipu tipu dan tipu lagi.
sampai bila mau tipu ley?
out of 1024 respondent... go figure..
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