Correct, correct, correct! Muhyiddin, you are absolutely correct.
But MCA don't champion the Chinese poor; MIC don't champion the Indian poor. Both Chinese and Indians don't have the NEP to help them uplift their plights. Equally, many Malays also do not enjoy the privileges offered by the NEP such as APs, projects, land distribution, etc. All the PWD design-turnkey projects are given to the UMNO Taikos. Those Malays from PAS or KeAdiLan do not get these benefits; but they too are poor Malays.
So, could the system be reconstructed to provide those benefits to help all the poors, irrespective of political alignment? All are citizens, and the constitution said all are equal. So, please help all the poors irrespective or race, religion or creed.
But if they help, wouldnt that means less money for them Taikos?
And therein lies the predicament.
Cannot and must not help the poor. Money for the poor can be used to build more mansions and go on more holidays. Right?
What is the benefits for the taikos to help the poor? No money no talk :P
Read my comments on NEP if you can read Chinese:
True, many Malaysian citizens are living a hand to mouth existence.
The question which Muhyiddin Yassin and all the filthy rich Malaysian arrogant, corrupt, greedy plundering politicians must answer is
Malaysia is rich in natural resources, and has had ample wealth development over the 50 years of independence, but the wealth has been misused, misappropriated, stolen and generally plundered, furthermore, even the meagre balance has not been equitably distributed.
Malaysia should by now be the most developed nation in South East Asia, but of course it is not.
Wake up all good citizens, now is the time for change.
Well said Maverick.
What else can the minister say to try to white-wash the whole Hindraf rally?
Yes, there are all kinds of poor Malaysians in all kinds of colours. What is he personally going to do to alleviate the situation?
i must be dreaming to expect him to have the gumption to even lift a finger to un-hijack the NEP.
The sun will rise from the west should that ever happen. *sigh*
threw some leftovers to the downtrodden, vow thats upliftment of the poor and marginalised. the bulk went into their pockets. look at RM4.7 billion of mone squandered in Port Klang Free Trade Zone. who are the beneficiaries? politicians from UMNO, MCA and other fellas from Sarawak. You called that NEP?
so what if a few millions are poor and they after all are minority.
we can curse like hell but that old bugger couldn't give a dam* and will be out sailing this week...
stupid statement from an idiot & just like idly badawi, both having...
IQ-big fat zilo,zilo.
hoi! minister of agriculture... if you haven't, pls go and take a peep at those plantation workers and ask urself if its okay to be poor.
Had the Brits stayed on from 1957 till today, Malaysia would be richer than Australia PLUS the rest of ASEAN COMBINED!
“Setiap kaum ada yang miskin dan ada juga yang kaya.”
PM Abdullah Badawi, 25 Nov 2007, Kampala (Uganda)
to badawi & musa hassan : do you guys have to punched & kicked those marchers like dogs - you guys got no compassion or have you guys elevated yourselves to god-like status and do whatever to your heart content?
damn you guys and may you rot in hell.
That what we call Umnoputra not bumiputra.
Uncivilised Menacing Nasty Oppressive Plundering Undemocratic Thugs Racially Arrogant.
Next demonstration will include poor Malay, Chinese and Indian people.
Malaysians need to wake up! We are being short-changed by the government. They are spending the people's money as though it is their mak bapak punye duit!!!!
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