Peaceful Street demonstration to air grievance is not our culture!
Submitting memorandum to our King is also not our culture!
Discrimination is also not our culture!
What then is our culture?
Submitting memorandum to our King is also not our culture!
Discrimination is also not our culture!
What then is our culture?

This this our culture?
Islamic brethens and law-makers requesting for a fist-fight?
Did Islam Hadhari profess any abstainment?

Non-Muslims Law-makers so request for a fist-fight?
Both cases, the requests are from the Barisan Nasional, the ruling party representatives.
This must mean, it is our culture!

This must also be our culture as Barisan Nasional Reoresentatives are the actors.
Anything done or seen to have been done by our elected legislators must be our culture.
What about non-legislators such as Ahmad Fairuz, Lingham, etc?
What is happening inside the Parlimen is disgraceful. Elected representatives of the people whom are drawing wages from the peoples'taxes are not doing anything constructive to deserve their pay.
This is our culture. Blek
Blardy hypocrites...
re: the fist fight challenge in the kelantan state assembly.
so another example of UMNO gangsterism?
well plentiful of those in bn...
a. budaya joli & tidor
b. budaya monyet
c. budaya bodoh
d. budaya pondan
e. budaya penyangak
this is BN culture. dont like it, leave lah and go apply PR or citizenship next door. we are the majority and we do what we like. take a hike if you dont like it.
shit, why am i paying my taxes? to feed morons like them? god forbids.
i'm also attempting to understand what the PM & DPM are saying. i thought 'culture' is what we make it to be. oh wait...they must have equate culture to history. but then...history in in the making now? so...culture must be in the making as well! no?
I'm asking, is culture really that fixated? If that is the case, even before we were an independent country, we had a major protest in Malaya...THE HARTAL DAY! it has been written in our history, no...not that niamah history book you read during your school years, dig deeper and you will find the meaning of 'hartal'. SO, this must be our culture by their argument. No?
equally confused malaysian...@_@
anon 12:58,
tsk, tsk, tsk, a racist always will be a racist?
btw, pls drop dead!
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