The Indians who forms one of the three major races of the nation were supposed to be represented by the MIC. MIC President Samy Vellu said all the hard work done for the Indian community by the MIC is being jeopardised by Hindraf and other opposition parties.
This statement by Samy, only the vast majority of the deprived Indians can provide their translucent and lucid position. But if we observed the community as a whole, we will suffer from nausea.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said that as a member of the Government, Sothinathan should not have taken a stand critical of the Government. "It is a breach of party discipline." Nazri Aziz said: "If you are a member of the administration, it is your duty to defend the stand, decision and policy of the Government," he said. "You cannot have your cake and eat it, too. If you don’t agree, then you can always resign and speak as a backbencher.“

Nazri Aziz said K. Devamany should not be let off the hook even if the Indian community regarded him as a hero.
“Should we let Robin Hood off the hook just because he is a hero? He robbed the rich and gave to the poor but he was still breaking the law,” Nazri said at Parliament lobby.
“Should we encourage people to be popular among the community by breaking ranks? Or should we consider the welfare of the whole BN?” Nazri asked.

So we can observed that even though MIC did try to highlight the plights of the Indians, those who tried would pay the price for breaching "Cardinal principles". Its a fortiori, for a minority leader representing a community discriminated is, a fortiori, a leader incapable to protect the interest and well-being of the community.
The lexicon of representations made by the leaders of the minority within the majority was made to portray the surreal situations. But how long can this coquette altruism hold? When inflation starts to bite hard and survival becomes atrophic, crescendos through demonstration becomes the natural recourse. The people wanted to be heard; they wanted their plight and frustrations understood and they wanted emancipation.
Unfortunately, idealism remains illusory. Instead, the obtuse crescendos gets convoluted and are constructed as objectivity threats on national security and a disruption of racial harmony. However, this view is not applied homogeneously and uniformly; exceptions are granted if it's from the oligarchy.
It seems eminent that the only possible effective tool is to use the Internal Security Act (ISA) to handle the situation. Prime Minister Abdullah said using the [ISA] law, which allows for detention without trial, would be "preventive" action to spare the country untoward incidents that could affect its peace and national security. “The ISA is there, if the situation warrants it, it will be used,” PM said.
The interesting and puzzling point made is from the prime minister himself.
On calls by certain quarters for the ISA to be invoked against illegal street demonstrators, Abdullah said: “I am very surprised that people want the ISA. I thought they never wanted it.”
Who were those who calls for the ISA to be invoked? Again, it must be those within the oligarchy. So, what's right is only from the coterie group.
PM Abdullah said the Government must be fair to all. “If we focus on the interest of one group, others will be jealous, others will complain,” PM said. It sounds coquettish. If the government truly wanted to be fair, then the NEP must be extended to all the poor, irrespective of race, religion or creed. Zakaria, a railway gatekeeper can afford to built palaces and further acquiring more state lands to enlarge the palace while the ordinary Malays are struggling to earn sufficiently to pay for the daily groceries and home expenses. Kuala Dimensi and the Faizal groupings were allowed to gain billions from the PKFZ deal from a land belonging to Koperasi Nelayan who received pittance in exchange. Khairy at 28, is said to be a billionaire while still being jobless and without a salaried vocation. Scomi has grown from a condom salesman business to a conglomerate that include an oil and gas and monorail and train fabricator. Gerbang Perdana was given $292.4 million compensation for driving one pile... many, many more!!!

It seems eminent that the only possible effective tool is to use the Internal Security Act (ISA) to handle the situation. Prime Minister Abdullah said using the [ISA] law, which allows for detention without trial, would be "preventive" action to spare the country untoward incidents that could affect its peace and national security. “The ISA is there, if the situation warrants it, it will be used,” PM said.

On calls by certain quarters for the ISA to be invoked against illegal street demonstrators, Abdullah said: “I am very surprised that people want the ISA. I thought they never wanted it.”
Who were those who calls for the ISA to be invoked? Again, it must be those within the oligarchy. So, what's right is only from the coterie group.

Not even the Indian students will be spared. They are already few in numbers at all the public universities.
The Crimea University is not recognized by MMA. There are few universities to go now, yet, they have been threatened of suspension.
This will aggravate the situation further and cause more dissents and insidious exasperation.
The Crimea University is not recognized by MMA. There are few universities to go now, yet, they have been threatened of suspension.
This will aggravate the situation further and cause more dissents and insidious exasperation.

This sparks the new era of the clash of the uncivilized and dis-civilised.
It seems that a precondition to be part of the BN coalition is that you are at the behest of UMNO. You (and your family) will be secure and provided for as long as you dont question the leader's 'wisdom'. Woe befall the champion who fights for his community.
An equal partnership ? Better to leave and fight dying rather than in bondage
dear pondan peabrain mp, forget about robin hood, how the fark do we deal with those rich buggers in bn that keep stealing from those god-fearing poor souls.
so birthday boy, that isa thing - the only piece of colonial sh*t that bn still want to keep sticking their face into izzit?
btw, focus on the interest of the poor will make the rich jealous ke?
so are u saying that by helping the downtrodden those parasites in bn will farked you up, rite?
we know you are a farking lazy but also...
The story about the group of "Hindraf supporters" eating for free and smashing the place up seems to be another spin from our government-controlled media. =_=
According to the website www.policewatchmalaysia.com, the restaurant owners denied ever mentioning to the media that the attackers were Hindraf supporters. In fact, business rivalry was the real cause of the attack.
Migrating seems...or already seems like an excellent id and something to aspire to for me.
In the future.
Can't live like this.
I agree with you.
Thanks. I had read it too.
I too share the same aspiration. Trying to save enough to go.
Malaisea is in decline.
Unless the BN is castrated
The future is illfated.
One has to wonder what sort of an education Nazri got. I mean if he equates Devamany/Hindraf to Robin Hood, then what does that make him? The Sheriff of Nottingham? As we all know, the Sheriff of Nottingham was a an evil man who abused his position and subjugated and oppressed the citizens. Talk about suffering from foot in mouth syndrome!!! What a fool! Embarassment to the country everytime he opens his mouth. Hah!
i notice Maverick does not acknowledge anonymous's mouth frothing barks... i wonder why. No substance ... and hiding behind anonymous front to bark...
You are right. I would appreciate it if they could sign-in with at least a moniker, not plain anonymous.
I would acknowledge all which I could address. I hope the anonymous would appreciate my point.
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