TECHNOLOGY and Innovations Ministry parliamentary secretary Datuk Dr Mohd Ruddin Abdul Ghani could not put a price on a Soyuz capsule "Piloted" by our first AngkasaOne.
Dr Mohd Ruddin told Fong Po Kuan (DAP–Batu Gajah) that a price tag could not be placed on gaining knowledge and technology.
“When you study for your degree or Master's and spend RM1mil, the price is nothing compared to the knowledge you get,” he said. Dissatisfied, Fong asked how did buying a Soyuz capsule benefit the country when the money could be used to help the poor.
Dr Mohd Ruddin then retorted:
“Have you not heard of reverse engineering? You are not a scientist so you do not know. “Reverse engineering means you buy a product like the capsule or car and open it up and learn how to make your own. Surely we want our Angkasawan to fly in a local capsule. “Whether you agree or not, it is the Government’s decision,” he added.
Hahaha... I just love this piece of answer given. Reverse engineering? Dr Ruddin, I respect that you had a PhD, but I do understand reverse engineering, maybe, better than you do. First and foremost, we don't buy a USD65 million (rocket to open it up and learn how to make our own. That's not reverse engineering; that's Otak Udang! You don't spent RM220 million to bring a used & second-hand rocket to learn how to make your own. You can sent engineers to Russia and learn. For China, the rocket scientists were trained at NASA and they go back to help their country to built rockets. They brought home with them the drawings and manuals, and together with their knowledge, they built a new team of scientists at their space agency.
The only factual and accurate statement you made that is true and uncontested is that the decision is the government decision, whether we agree or not. What you have said is right; we had a government who made decisions without the need to consider the rakyat's opinion. And it doesn't matter whether we spent billions or millions for something that only you understand and publicly denied the wastes. Wastage and pilferage is our culture, a culture developed and engineered by the Barisan government of which Dr Ruddin is a party to it.
The only factual and accurate statement you made that is true and uncontested is that the decision is the government decision, whether we agree or not. What you have said is right; we had a government who made decisions without the need to consider the rakyat's opinion. And it doesn't matter whether we spent billions or millions for something that only you understand and publicly denied the wastes. Wastage and pilferage is our culture, a culture developed and engineered by the Barisan government of which Dr Ruddin is a party to it.
Dear Minister, the whole idea of building an own orbiting craft is admirable but if in case you happen to be an incompetent fool, pls be aware...
"Reverse engineering for the purpose of copying or duplicating programs may constitute a copyright violation. In some cases, the licensed use of software specifically prohibits reverse engineering".
So u farking make sure u ppl, as usual, don't screwed-up this time & end up with rm220m piece of junk or else we know where to help you to shove it.
This is bolehland mah...semua boleh. Reverse boleh, go head pun boleh!! No wonder he needs RM 1 mil to do his degree or Master's.
what-to-do, the BN MPs all are YB - yang bodoh!!
The Service module and Habitation section of the 3-part Soyuz spacecraft is still in space. What Mat Ruddin intends to buy with millions of taxpayers' ringgit is just the re-entry capsule which has nothing to reverse-engineer from...unless he intends to take the seats back home to replace his worn-out cushions. Don't think the Russians are so stupid as to give their space tech away
how can he be so sure that the russian will give them the space craft + everything intact? i thought they would have removed sensitive parts...parts that are most important to the ship. i dont think they will just gladly sell it over...i won't. why not just buy the blueprint then? i dont see why the the russian will sell a complete rocket but not sell the bluprint and i'm very certain that the blueprint will cost significantly less.
Niamah! Want to cover up also use better excuse la!
When you study for your degree or Master's and spend RM1 million---
My Gawd! That pudding Ruddin must have resit and then resit again to get his degree a few hundred times because he had to squander a million riggit for it!
talking about reverese engineering...
it will be a revelation & for the good of mankind to take you, badawi & bn mps apart, just to see what makes you guys 'bodoh','pondan', 'penyagak etc
“Have you not heard of reverse engineering? You are not a scientist so you do not know."
I dunno whether to laugh or be appaled. I mean... "You are not a scientist so you do not know." Holy shit, thats priceless.
calling themselves superior than the others...
what a blardy bunch of frigging sor hai, harpooned by some snow-laden communists.
this could be just like the case of spending few hundreds millions on that motorbike thing but up getting 1 farking euro back.
so, its farking sinful squandering a quarter billion ringgits on a piece of sh*t that might just end up in some mamak botol junkyard.
hahahaahha this post really brighten my day. Nothing like stupid ppl to elevate me to genius level..:-P
Is Malaysia planning to compete with countries like Japan, China and US on the technology front? By the time we dissect the whole thing people might have invented beaming technology like Star Trek. lol
Can you give (黄英贤) the name in English? I'll like to read up more on her.
I believed he had not a penny when he goes to Uni. He's a govt scholarship holder - fully funded by taxpayers.
Yang Bodoh? I thought it's Yang Boleh?
The Russian agreed to give everything that is left of the Soyuz.
With his PhD he is trying to tell us he is a scientist. Well, the science advisor to Pak Lah said anyone who had done a scientific experiment of anything can be called a scientist. So, he is!
Can you write in English? I can only read a few words...standard one level.
Please help translate to English? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maverick - I don't understand if what the commentator wrote is relevant to your post.:-) She wrote about a Malaysian born lady who's the first Asian in the Australian senate.
I found mostly what is written similar here.....
Maverick - I read through the Chinese post again, it talks about how Penny Wong is inspired by her grandmother for the courage her grandma faced when she was left a widow in WW2. Penny faced racial prejudice in her young age when her father migrated to Australia and her father told her 'people can take away your belongings but they can never take away your knowledge.'
The rest mainly talks about Penny's climb to success. (Din say anything about her sexual orientation though... )
Real soh chai lah!
Datuk Dr Mohd Ruddin Abdul Ghani is a bloody fool, where did he get his Doctorate from, the back of a box of cornflakes?
His statements are unbelievable.
Throwing good money to buy a lump of space junk (the obsolete Soyuz capsule) as a museum exhibit is a criminal waste of public money.
You are my savior. At least I know what it is. Thank you a thousand times.
He is Dr. How can be sor chai?
Darjah Enam Graduate,
I agree it is a waste of public money.
Have you heard of stealing? You're not a thief so you do not know.
Whether you agree or not, he is priceless. A priceless clown! LOL
reverse engineering? you wonder how he managed to get his phd. by the way, is that permanent head damage?
one question. how much is the seller is going to pay the middleman as commission? its alright, isnt it since its the seller thats paying and not the buyer. remember the fighter pland and submarine deal? just wondering whether this reverse engineering idea is used as cover in order for someone to make more commission, no?
Which uni did that soh chai get his PhD from? Better advise others not to go there or they may be soh chais after getting their doctorates!
Oh ........with this type of idiotic leader around, Malaysia how to progress ?
Ruddin is from UTM and he is a electrical engineer. His PhD is from Manchester (UMIST), UK. I don't know how he can claim to be a scientist.
going by this doctor statement, we will be already in first world country! why are we still known as developing instead of developed. we even struggling in car maker business, and now we're talking reverse engineer one space capsule! why not pull up 10x payroll to employ the scientist instead. stupid bugger ...
I love this sor chai ruddin....buy a capsule then we can make our own? So buy a aeroplane tyre...copy the tyre and we can build a plane? Stoooopid stooopid..you have to buy a whole rocket...not only the capsule. Capsule is only one of the many parts....BLarrrddy stupid people we have..
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