The video only looks like him, and sound like him, but maybe someone else; still unknown, and probably could never be known.
For we now know that even if it was him, he swore that he was not speaking to a judge; and even if he was, he could be too drunk to remember what he said or do. Fortunately during those hours no girls claimed that she was rape; otherwise, can be a problem as he was too drunk, and Tengku Adnan also feel Lingham could be extremely drunk and was talking nonsense.
For we now know that even if it was him, he swore that he was not speaking to a judge; and even if he was, he could be too drunk to remember what he said or do. Fortunately during those hours no girls claimed that she was rape; otherwise, can be a problem as he was too drunk, and Tengku Adnan also feel Lingham could be extremely drunk and was talking nonsense.
He talks rubbish when he drinks whiskey, and we have to be compassionate with him and understand his drinking problem.
The whiskey caused him to be schizophrenic, and he probably wouldn't know who he called or spoke to that night. Maybe, there was nobody on the other side of the line, and he may be talking to a ghost or an illusory person whom he, at that time, might have thought that he was communicating with a judge. We are fortunate that all our judges are honest people, and do not have lawyer friends.
The whiskey caused him to be schizophrenic, and he probably wouldn't know who he called or spoke to that night. Maybe, there was nobody on the other side of the line, and he may be talking to a ghost or an illusory person whom he, at that time, might have thought that he was communicating with a judge. We are fortunate that all our judges are honest people, and do not have lawyer friends.

It probably had been a coincidence that they stayed at the same hotel too.
There was just too many coincidence and they felt that it must be fate or destiny and decided to have a picture taken in memory of the coincidence in New Zealand.

In life, there are just so much coincidence.
Sometimes, it was also a coincidence that we wear the wrong jeans or sleep on the wrong bed. It's coincidence and it must be fate.
Lawyers and the judiciary are fated to be together at work and it could not escape the togetherness of holidays too. The coincidence involve not only Judges and Attorney-General, and could also coincidental when ministers go for holidays.
Lingham was a far luckier person than many lawyers; he often tag along with chief justices and Attorney-generals and Ministers, and may include Prime Ministers for his holidays. No wonder he is so blessed and have such a good boss. We hope he could find a cure for his schizophrenia and the rubbish talks, and return sane. He must still be under insane delusion at this moment. We wish him well. Anyway, he wasn't the only person who suffers mental blockages and forgetfulness. Mahathir also could not remember much; but we can understand as Mahathir is far older.
By the way, it seems Lingham did remember Mahathir's birthday when he drinks too much whiskey and he also remembers those lawyers' rumours regarding the appointment of judges and include those who were not selected. And he also remembers Allah's will. Those rumours happened to be 100% correct. That's a fantastic great memory and is like striking a lottery!
he has to go down as the liar of the century...
picture #2 - so malaysian....
i wonder how much more coincidence will come up after this....
there must be a politcal will to have him tried and convicted
if there is none, he will become one of the many who are known to be guilty but still walking the streets, free.....
hmm...i wonder if the Malaysia public is gullible enough to believe this load of bullshit? maybe this trial is not about bringing these ppl to justice, but to show to Malaysians how corrupted our judiciary system is.
He didn't lie... he couldn't remember!
We are Malaysians; and the Boleh-type!
CK Tan,
There will be more coincidence coming soon...
Criminals can walk the street and even continue with their trade; so long they have a justice system that is pro...
This trial is same with all other trials of politicians and the rich; we haven't changed.
how about a drink with me lingam, say at a nice and classy karoake, President Club in PJ. At least, the companions consist of pretty girls and its safe to talk to them when you are in inebriated state.
oops, forgot you only drink at home and private functions. Pardon me, lingam.
Lin Gam and Tun Chin must should knows Dimes v Grand Junction Canal and R v Bow Magistrate ex parte Pinochet. Oops, they forgot.
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