Friday, March 14, 2008

Melindraf: UMNO, the new Hindraf

NST Report:

Today, In GEORGE TOWN, about 1,000 Umno members demonstrated in Komtar where the Chief Minister’s office is located at 2.15pm, immediately after Friday prayers.

The demonstrators shouted slogans, from urging the Lim Guan Eng administration not to scrap the NEP.

They also demonstrate their support for PM Ahmad Badawi’s administration which is under pressure from Muhkriz's team of UMNOputeras.

The demonstration is led by Umno Bukit Mertajam division chief Datuk Musa Shaikh Fadzir. The peaceful assembly later dispersed after police advised them to do so.

Anil Netto relates an eye-witness account of the situation and he wrote this in his blog:

[quote] "Although there was a helicopter overhead, there didn’t seem to be any tear gas or water cannon truck lurking in the back ground, just FRU directing the march and guiding the traffic. I would say there were about two or three thousand marchers. One thing though - there was a slight awkwardness in the marches… and unfamiliarity… as if they were not from Penang, at least not from the island. They looked a little out of their familiar territory - just an observation." [unquote]

UMNO now have become the new Hindraf. The emperor's cadre looks desperate and lack of ideas. The system is disintegrating and internally it is rotting.

It can be observed that someone is now an architect of a new ploy intended to prop the weakening regime who is under tremendous pressure from within their own people. They are concocting a new enemy and new issues to divert every attention away from their internal strife due to weak leadership and power struggle. Internal uprising is imminent and contagious.

UMNO has lost its "sainthood"; they now turn to satanic characteristics to assemble a sizeable followings to thwart the new superstar Mukhriz and his coterie.

More News!

Shahidan out, Isa Sabu is Perlis MB

Shahidan Kassim has failed to hold on to the Perlis menteri besar post, a shocking reversal from his statement yesterday that he would be appointed.

Shahidan had a big and strong group of followers. He's not going to let Pak Lah sleep soundly now that he's lost his power and position.

Read this: "Shahidan akan lawan" kata orang kanan bekas MB Perlis

Meanwhile, Terengganu MB post still undecided. There's another struggle over there.


warrior2 said...

What a joke. When HINDRAF staged thier demo for what ever reasons, bloggers rallied behind them.

When UMNO staged thier demo for what they belief was an attempt by the state govt to scrap NEP, you condemn them.

Hmmm let me see... as long as demos organised are against BN, you will support, against opposition govt, NO WAY. You will spin stories!

Funny! Real funny!

Jefus said...

looking for a bogeyman so as they can rally the party.


lucia said...

warrior2 sounds like a cyber trooper or diehard UMNO supporter. in that case, what she/he said was right.

mave, you are very fast to blog about it eh. you not working so can blog anytime. i heard about it but i can't blog on it yet since i'm at work. so immediately after 5.00pm, i quickly blog on it.

i have a picture up and a letter from a friend advising the ordinary malays in penang not to be fooled by UMNO.

Chicken Ball said...

Demonstration is not our culture... saya pantang dicabar!

sound familiar... yea????!!! haha!

Maverick SM said...


Did I condemn the demo? Read my piece. You seems to read things with maligned mentality and with wicked eyes. Please read it and tell me which part did I condemn the demo.

And by the way, are you one person that had benefited from a crony system unable to compete on meritocracy? I'm not sure; but the way you put words and construct your language, you have malignment. I'm sorry for you as you try hard to prove baises here you are exposing your own malaise.

Maverick SM said...


There's more to the eye, Jefus.


I wasn't working yesterday and today.

Chicken Ball,

Ya, I forget that PM said "Saya Pantang di cabar"; and demo is not our culture.

Anonymous said...

Why it's called melindraf? Shouldn't it is called cronydraf? lol

Look at the comics' headlines and the shit stirred. This is bodoh at its destructive best.

Hidup cronydraf!!!

Maverick SM said...


ya, just a call-name.

Anonymous said...


you don't need bloggers..just take your story to Star and NST. They will spin the story cukup cukup for you.

Maybe start your own blog on this topics..and get your followers to support. I bet no one will bother read your blog. Shallow UMNO like arguments from you. Go home and grow up

Maverick SM said...


We have to accept dissenting views. People may have other opinions and they are entitled to it.

What I asked is that readers must read my article and not insinuate that I am inconsistent with an ideology preached, that is, freedom of expression and to protest. In fact we were informed by the news published that CM Lim Guan Eng accepted the protest in Penang but he was expecting a memorandum by the protesters which there wasn't. And the police did not bring along tear gas or water cannon during the demo which in itself is inconsistent of a proclaimed fair and just government of the people. Pak Lah said he is a PM of all Malaysians, but clearly he is a PM of UMNO only. That's my argument.

Monsterball said...

I support their right to peaceful protest, just as I fully supported Hindraf's right to peaceful protest.

In Hindraf's case, the protest was brutally suppressed and the leaders are now under ISA.

Pak Lah better walk his talk about being Prime Minister for all Malaysians.
Time to release the Hindraf ISA detainees.
Or put Malindraf leaders under ISA.
Fair is fair ?

Maverick SM said...


That's the key issue we are highlighting.

It's double system of justice and yet Pak Lah said without reservation that he is the PM for all malaysians. The facts and empirical observations proved otherwise.

Anonymous said...


I always agree to dissenting views..but must be well thought out dissenting views..not just "main hantam" from warrior.

I just responded to his post on bloggers spinning stories..and just reminded him/her that NST and Star and are the best spinners.

Seek your kind understanding on why i wrote. Thank you

Maverick SM said...


Thank you very much. I understand your reason now. I agree about the NST and Star and I have compiled the news spinning issues to be publish soon.