In a clear attempt to embrace the power of the information highway and win back the support of the younger generation, Umno Youth wing has decreed that those who wanted to slug it out at its national-level election should go online.
Umno Youth secretary Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan said candidates should use such a platform to introduce themselves to delegates by highlighting their background, objectives, aspirations and visions.
"Besides using conventional face-to-face campaigning, utilising the Internet will enable candidates to campaign freely, fairly and be known to all delegates.
"This move will open the doors for more qualified candidates to offer their services. We are also confident that this will reduce money politics," he said in a statement yesterday.
Abdul Rahman said e-campaigning can also offer candidates to debate online.
He said the move was taken as part of the feedback obtained by the wing during its recent meeting with 60 young Malay professionals as well as representatives from Umno Overseas' Clubs and non-governmental organisations.
The meeting was initiated by youth chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein who wanted to know why youths are shying away from Umno and Barisan Nasional.
Source:Aspiring candidates must have blogs
Wow! Umno fully embracing the blogging world. The lastest Umno leaders who had already set up their blogs include Mohd Ali Rustam, Khir Toyo, Tengku Razaleigh, Azalina, Khairy, and Shahrir Samad (who denied he was a blogger), Sang Kelembai, and MCA we have Chua Soi Lek. Any more?
Most of the opposition leaders, MPs and ADUNs were already bloggers well before the March 08 election.
Welcome to the world of monkeys who are also Gobloks.
Lets have a test - Who said:
1) "Most bloggers write for fun"?
2) Bloggers are rumour-mongers, cowards and a nuisance?"
3) "There's no law in the cyber-world except for the laws of the jungle"?
4) "Bloggers are like karaoke singers"
5) "Few people read blogs"
6) "The public should be wise in identifying the websites of Gobloks."
7) "Bloggers were liars and were mostly women"
8) "The government had lost its patience with bloggers"
9) Anyone who wants to add???
Ya, a few more.
"People only sought information on matters like tourism on the Internet and from blogs."
"Internet is used mainly to book budget airline tickets or to get entertainment news."
"Malaysians are a mature lot and would rather give more credibility to newspaper reports than the ‘gossipy news’ on the Internet."
"the government will not be affected by blogs and other Internet forums that may be created during campaigning for the upcoming elections."
Source: http://bongkersz.com/2008/02/20/election-2008-pkr-vs-dap-updated/
Azalina blogs now huh? So she's also saying she's a woman and a liar, huh?
Having a blog does not mean these politicians are 'connected' to the people. It means nothing. Especially if it's a mere requirement.
There are so many blogs out there. Having one does not automatically make one in-tuned to the rakyat and serve the very purpose blogging serves. Connect to the people.
blog power? don't waste time ameno. just remove all restrictions on the main stream media. let the editors do whatever they want to do as long as they take responsibility for whatever they have done.
look at malaysiakini - they publish and stanby whatever they have pubished.
having blogs mean nothing if BN is not willing to tackle the damming issue in the country.
monkeys will always be monkeys. they see they saw but they still don't get it. it came and it's gone, but they still don't know what hit them.
Does sex blog counts? lol
Sexy blogs included.
dear maverickysm,
i tak boleh tahan when they now realised how blogging is the "in thing" of today. Now they are talking! First, they said bloggers are globlok and they looked dowm upon them and now they want to embrace it and tell their youth flers to start blogging. What the f*** they talking about!Anyway, blog or no blog, they are all LOSERS....read my lips...LOSERS!! Copycats...kuching yang tak malu!!! Actually, they have to watch out How They Talk/Act and not how to blog? AGREE? Waving the kris and talking hellava bit is not getting them anywhere. We are NOT arsehole anymore...kena hookwinked for years for them to get rich and cocky..Abang hoi atau tuan yang kita hormati or whatever you want us to call you....you idiots....really pissed off with you chauvinist buggers!!! (soly kalo spell salah). BALIK PERGI SEKOLAH LAGI LAH DAN MINIUM SUSU MAK ENGKAU DULU BARU CAKAP,tolong sikit bruder!!...aduuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! tolong sikit lah.....!malas mau cakap you orang lah! KURANG AJAR!!!
bloggers are people who make politicians lick up their own spit.. euuwwww..yukkkss..
so politicians, lick it up.. ha ha..
good move that should be louded by all....
now rakyat will see UMNO members attending ENGLISH evening classes to brushes their writing and communication skills.
as we all know, Monkeys don't actually communicate in English nor Bahasa.
good long term sign that Toll Collectors well verse in English, less traffic jam at toll booth nation wide!
lingx2 dear
bloggers can use bahasa lah..but let's not jump into these sites & hantam them..
Blogging is amno's way of saying
I am gonna spin MY story to make you believe me
They still think bloggers are bodoh.
my stand is still
Until and unless the FEDERAL govt addresses, & rectifies their sins upons sins on the country and people, I wouldn't be interested in what they have to spin
Why only the youth leaders must have blogs? How about the rest? Still believe that those over 40 don't read blogs izzit.
Anyhow I look forward to their half past six answers to readers comments and the long PR nightmares that will hit them. Will they resort to censorship? Questions, questions.
one directive and it kick start the "writing" industry. ghost writer anyone?
Oh ya, do u think that armno actually knows the difference between blog, website, forum and newsgroup? I'm just waiting for some of them to do some gala launch of a blog which turn out to be just a homepage, haha.
Hello Pundek lah. Do u guys realised only Khairy has Blog. Other Youth Leaders dont have. So, KJ will win unopposed again !!! huhuhuh Stupid call.
Blogs are good. I say they should all support the PM who has been trying to undo the damage done by that Indian Mahathir but he need more time. There is more freedom now under AAB. The PM has been too gentle with his critics in UMNO and the roaylty. He should put some of those in under ISA like those HINDRAF Indians. WE can us blogs to justify why e.g. Mahathir became a Malay when he joined UMNO but was an Indian whe he joined University of Singapore. Only liars change their RACE!
nazri the racist MP got blog or not..anyone knows. I want to know what kind of rubbish he writes
I want to add... "bloggers are bored housewives who knows nothing much and want to create trouble"?? something like that la... WAHAHAHA!! mad la these BN buggers!
Are you surprise that Azalina now blogs?
Well, it's a good beginning...
Ling Ling Chatt,
We have better companions in this cyber-world.
But the blog-sphere will get more excited and better informed.
See Fei,
There are plenty of ghost writers.
Nazri not yet.
That's a great reminder of the fine joker.
Blogs will display their own blockhead-ness. As sure as night follows day.
Why talk of Nazri? He already said he`s not defending his Supreme Council seat lah.
It`s not easy to have a blog and drive taxis at the same time.
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