A massage parlour owner in Java who first introduced the locks said he sis so for the good of his workers.
"You know how naughty some clients can be," said Frangki Setiawan.
Many parlours have now adopted the practice after the police had encouraged them to do so.
TV footage and photos have shown several masseuses with small padlocks in the zip of their pants or skirts.
Manufacturers of chastity belts are analyzing the current trend and exploring the vast opportunities created by the phenomena.
Soon, rapists will have to learn the art of unlocking padlocks and decodings some high-tech locksets.
Do they need to?

Many parlours have now adopted the practice after the police had encouraged them to do so.
TV footage and photos have shown several masseuses with small padlocks in the zip of their pants or skirts.
Manufacturers of chastity belts are analyzing the current trend and exploring the vast opportunities created by the phenomena.

Do they need to?

so stupid, never considerate how woman feel...
what if they suddenly want to pee, or berak .... and left the key someplace ..... chia lat lor ...
so so degrading!
So rapists would soon be punished by having the zips of their trousers padlocked....with the keys being kept in jail while they are allowed to roam free
no, it's not silly. for the right price, the masseuses will pass you the keys to the lock.
they are just playing hard to get that's all, just to jack-up the price. (:))
Lost key, look for locksmith lah. still can pee; berak no problem as the belt allows a back opening.
dont understand.... if they can still open to pee and berak without the key, the rapist still can get em.... and probably thrill them too.....
sick sick sick.....
funny lah...
Look on the bright side. If their mothers had worn padlocks some of our more useless politicians might never have been born.Of course the PM and many of his ministers are okay and I don't mean them. I mean some in UMNO & BN who want to cause trouble for the PM, etc and some of the more stupid ones who went around waiving krises, talking through their arses, etc.
what about male cylindrical lock & door closer? - mmudahlupa
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